Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about the Mediterranean terrain that debuted with ArmA 3. For the country named after the island, see Republic of Altis and Stratis.

Stratis is a playable terrain in ArmA 3.



« With rugged terrain, expansive forests and a man-made airbase, Stratis offers a wealth of opportunities with which to wage war. Take to the skies in an attack helicopter, or fight on foot across this 20 km2, near-future battlefield. The choice is yours.
Official ArmA 3 website

Stratis is the smaller of twin landmasses that when combined together, form the Mediterranean island nation of the Republic of Altis and Stratis. It is located to the south of the mainland and is a fully militarised island with no civilian inhabitants.[1]



Stratis' landscape typically consists of rocky hills separated by steep valleys

Stratis' landmass covers a total area of only 19.3 square kilometres.[2][3]

Like the mainland, Stratis is of volcanic origin and its landscape consists of rocky crevices separated by steep valleys, though Stratis features many more pine forests that sprawl across large parts of the island (particularly in its south and east).

Stratis does not have any inland bodies of water. A total of seven bays are dotted along its shoreline - the majority of which are small inlets and coves.

Its geographic coordinates are located between 34° 48' 38.60" north and 16° 23' 49.81" east.[4]


Post-civil war, Stratis only features two settlements which are completely derelict and abandoned. No civilians remain on the island, and the majority of its former settlements have been turned into military facilities or camps instead.

Very few paved roads exist for both vehicle/foot travel. The majority of road access across the island are limited to simple dirt tracks, which are connected via a crossroad positioned in the island's centre.

Besides the two main bases of Air Station Mike-26 and the Stratis Airbase, a total of five more installations exist: Camp Tempest, Camp Rogain, Camp Maxwell, LZ Connor, and LZ Baldy. Both Connor and Baldy serve as landing pads for rotary-wing aircraft while Maxwell has been decommissioned and is no longer utilised by either foreign troops or government forces.

There are a total of two lighthouses present on the island; one built in the northern half (due north of Agia Marina) and another in its southern half.

Settlements on Stratis
Towns Agia Marina
Villages Girna
Monuments The Spartan
Military installations Air Station Mike-26 • Camp Maxwell • Camp Rogain • Camp Tempest • Kamino Firing Range • Stratis Air Base

Points of interest[]

Air Station Mike-26[]

Main article: Air Station Mike-26

Air Station Mike-26 is located in the island's centre.

It consists of a large radar dome and sports several other facilities dedicated to signals intelligence and satellite communications. A dirt road passes through the base and runs through the surrounding hills to the Stratis Airbase (to its west).

Once an important NATO SIGINT facility, Mike-26 has largely fallen into disrepair over the past few years due to the declining importance of the region's security.[5][6] It was, however, the focal point of the fighting between the AAF and NATO forces in 2035 when it was razed to the ground; presumably by government troops.[7][8]

Kamino Firing Range[]

Main article: Kamino Firing Range

The Kamino Firing Range is located on the island's far east.

The range itself actually consists of two components: the firing range itself which consist of several military buildings and an obstacle course, and the remnants of the old Kamino village to its north. The two sections are separated by a barren strip of rocky terrain.

The remnants of the old village are mainly used for target practice by government forces. Pre-NATO intervention, the facility was also shared with the peacekeepers of Task Force Aegis.[9] They were supported by a small staff of trainers from the Vrana Corporation, who held competitive shooting/obstacle courses on occasion as well.

Spartan Monument[]

Main article: The Spartan

The Spartan Monument, alternately The Spartan, is located in the island's south, and is constructed atop the peak of a small hill overlooking the southern shoreline.

Built in the mid 20th century, the Spartan Monument is dedicated to the thousands of Altian soldiers who gave their lives while serving under the British Empire during the Second World War.[10] As part of the Allied landings in North Africa (1942), hundreds of Altian men were conscripted to take part in Operation Torch. Many of these soldiers never returned from the front lines, and their deaths are now largely attributed to the so-called "lost generation" of Altian history.[11]

Stratis Air Base[]

Main article: Stratis Air Base

Formerly operated in conjunction with the peacekeepers of NATO's Task Force Aegis, the Stratis Airbase now serves as a training and logistical facility for government forces.

It is located on the far north-western corner of Stratis and is an artificially extended part of the island's terrain. Access to the airbase is only possible via a small stretch of road that connects from the town of Agia Marina.

The airbase features a single-strip hard surface runway and also contains additional facilities ranging from a barracks, a control tower and radar dome, a hardened bunker, a small military use-only dock, along with a fuel depot. No hardened shelters are available, though several canvas/steel hangars are present.

In the 20th century, plans for the establishment of the airbase were initially laid by British surveyor Martin P. Maxwell[12], though actual construction would not begin until the 1980s.[13] It was eventually built by engineers from the United Kingdom and the United States. During the NATO intervention on Altis, the airbase was also briefly occupied by foreign troops after it was seized by U.S.-led NATO forces.[14][15]

Terrain-specific texts[]

« There are only two settlements left on Stratis: the picturesque harbor town of Agia Marina and the small fishing village of Girna. »
« Most roads on Stratis are just gravel trails which twist and turn into the mountains. Only 5% of roads have strengthened surface. »
« According to legend, there is a hidden cave somewhere on the coast of Stratis, rumored to contain treasures hidden by the Arabian pirates. »
« Part of the Agia Marina was rebuilt using simple residential houses after an earthquake damaged the town in the 1960s. »
« In recent decades, Stratis slowly turned into a 'military island' after most of the civilian population moved to Altis. »
« The coasts of Stratis are dangerous. Many shipwrecks can be found underwater near the coastline, including two large fishing trawlers Sofia and Apex Marshall. »
« Stratis is of volcanic origin, with many rocks and crevices. »
« Geographic coordinates of Stratis are 34°48'38.60"N 16°23'49.81"E. »
« Stratis Airfield was built on an area of artificially laid firm ground in the 1980s by the joint effort of British and US engineers. »
« Kamino Firing Range uses remnants of the old Kamino village nearby as a target area. »
« The Spartan, a monument in the southern part of Stratis, was built to honor the memory of Altian soldiers fighting alongside the Allies in the WW2's Operation Torch. »
« Camp Rogain was named after the favorite pastime of NATO troops stationed in the area. »
« Camp Maxwell was named after British surveyor Martin P. Maxwell, who laid plans for artificial ground for the Stratis Airfield. »
« The area of Stratis is 19.3 square kilometers. »




  • Arma3-Screenshot-121

    Pre-Alpha promotional screenshot with the original name of the island's main town on a signpost.

    Stratis is directly based on the Greek island of Agios Efstratios in the Aegean Sea, though some parts of the island like the Stratis Airbase are completely fictitious additions and do not exist on the real-world island.
    • In the pre-Alpha, Stratis was even directly referred to by its real-world name[16], though this was completely changed after the development overhaul in late 2012 to reflect ArmA 3's new storyline and settings.
  • Instead of the mainland island of Altis, Stratis was actually the first terrain to become accessible to players during the Alpha and Beta stages of ArmA 3's development.[17]


  1. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stratis, "In recent decades, Stratis slowly turned into a 'military island' after most of the civilian population moved to Altis."
  2. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2013, Terrain, Arma 3, viewed 7 July 2023, <>.
  3. ↑ Mořický, K 2016, 'Arma Terrains', Karel Mořický, 22 June, viewed 7 July 2023, <>.
  4. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stratis, "Geographic coordinates of Stratis are 34°48'38.60"N 16°23'49.81"E."
  5. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, \a3\missions_f_epa\video\a_in_intro.ogv, 00:17, "However, with the US-led peacekeeping deployment coming to an end of its mandate, NATO forces are finalising their staged withdrawal from the region. [...] As millions of dollars of military equipment and infrastructure is decommissioned, opinion is split as to the wisdom of the drawdown. [...] In light of CSAT forces stepping up joint military exercises in the Pacific, the US is keen to re-orient its conventional forces, reinforcing battalions in the east.", AAN News
  6. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "LACEY: Mike-26 sure looks quiet. ADAMS: Yeah. Most of the guys have shipped out already. LACEY: Just us lucky few left doing the monkey work, huh? ADAMS: You'd rather be on a boat in the Pacific, Sergeant? LACEY: I'd rather be the hell off this rock, sir."
  7. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Radio Silence, "JAMES: Bad news, sir. We've got nothing here - no way to establish a link to MEDCOM - all the equipment's fried. At least we can rig it to blow. We're setting the charges now. All squads, get clear! LACEY: Wait, what?! You can't just blow it up! What the fuck was all this for then?! MILLER: Stand down, Bravo. That's an order. If we cant hold it, we raze it. Proceed, Delta. Burn it down. The rest of you, fall back to Maxwell. Falcon Out."
  8. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Radio Silence, "Air Station Mike-26 is secured and you successfully repelled the reinforcements. However, Delta determined the facility to be unusable - it wasn't possible to establish contact with NATO MEDCOM. Refusing to let it fall back into enemy hands, Miller authorized its destruction. Let's hope it was worth it"
  9. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Drawdown 2035, "The decommissioning of NATO assets on Stratis is roughly halfway complete, but Commander MacKinnon wants to step up the pace of tearing down these bases. To that end, additional support is required across at Camp Rogain and Kamino; however, an AAF lockdown is making the process all the more difficult. The Greenback brass are due to visit (more than likely to protest against our work, our flags, our very presence - the same old, same old). Most of the roads are closed. Those which are actually open have our friendly neighborhood watch closely monitoring them. At the moment, only specially authorized vehicles are currently permitted freedom of movement. Airspace is open, but it's heavily restricted. We'll have to assess the situation on-the-fly to determine what work we can actually get done. Bring a good book, though, it's nailed on that there'll be plenty of hanging around today."
  10. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stratis, "The Spartan, a monument in the southern part of Stratis, was built to honor the memory of Altian soldiers fighting alongside the Allies in the WW2's Operation Torch."
  11. ↑ ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, "This town, it's no stranger to war. [...] Of course, but, no, I meant, even historically. A whole generation lost their lives in WW2 - Operation Torch, the Allied landings. [...] Yeah. The British? They conscripted hundreds of Altians from across the island - most of them never made it back."
  12. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stratis, "Camp Maxwell was named after British surveyor Martin P. Maxwell, who laid plans for artificial ground for the Stratis Airfield."
  13. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Stratis, "Stratis Airfield was built on an area of artificially laid firm ground in the 1980s by the joint effort of British and US engineers."
  14. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, New Dawn, "Stratis was a cakewalk. I wonder what went wrong on Altis."
  15. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, New Dawn, "As it turns out, there wasn't a chance in hell that we were ready for what awaited us. CSAT got one over on us this time - and intel suggests they're ready to hit back at any moment. Truth is, if we don't hold what we've taken over here, this whole operation is a wash. So - with Stratis under our control - we're going to head back and dig in. Now, keep in mind - in spite of Corporal Kerry's 'debrief' - we're not exactly sure what's happened here. As such, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. Until MEDCOM says otherwise, 'Captain Miller' - along with his team - are not recognized as friendly."
  16. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2012, 'Bohemia Interactive deploys Arma 3 Stratis Showcase', Developer's Blog, 19 April, viewed 1 April 2023, <>.
  17. ↑ Crowe, J 2017, ARMA 3 - 4TH ANNIVERSARY, Arma 3, viewed 1 April 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Playable terrains in ArmA 3
Official Terrains Altis (Amsterdam) • Livonia • Malden • Stratis • Tanoa • Virtual Reality
Third Party Terrains Cam Lao Nam • Gabreta • Khe Sanh • Normandy • Sefrou-Ramal • "The Bra" • Weferlingen
Official DLC: Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain | Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany | S.O.G. Prairie Fire | Spearhead 1944 | Western Sahara