Armed Assault Wiki

Normandy is a playable terrain in ArmA 3. It was added with the release of the Spearhead 1944 Creator DLC.



« This new unique terrain is a detailed representation of the actual terrain in Normandy at 1:2 scale where Operation Cobra took place. Normandy features numerous faithfully recreated real world locations that were involved in the Overlord campaign, covering from St Lo down to Roncey and Lengronne.

Complete with labyrinthine hedgerows and branching rivers, quiet farmsteads, dug in positions, ancient orchards and countryside towns lying in ruins, featuring new custom created era specific and highly detailed buildings, rivers, environmental foliage and fortifications bringing the World War II setting to life.

Normandy promises intense close-quarter firefights and thrilling combined-arms gameplay that will keep you coming back for more.
Official terrain description


Spanning a total of 150 square kilometres, the Normandy terrain is based on the topography of northwestern France. It features flowing rivers, an airstrip, the destroyed city of Saint-Lô, wooded areas, and open bocages. It is described as a "hedgerow hell" that caters to both close quarter battles and combined arms assaults.[1]

Terrain-specific texts[]

« Approximately 3,000 U.S. aircraft had carpet-bombed a narrow section of the front, with the Panzer Lehr Division taking the brunt of the attack. »
« During Operation Cobra, U.S. 2nd Armored Division destroyed 64 German tanks and 538 other German combat vehicles. »
« During Operation Cobra, U.S. 2nd Armored Division inflicted over 7,370 casualties on the Germans while suffering 914 casualties. »
« 1,500 B-17 and B-24 drop almost 3,300 tons of bombs between Montreuil and Hebécrevon northwest of Saint-Lô. »
« Operation Cobra was a success at a high price. Nearly 18,450 U.S. casualties (more than 5,020 dead) and about 15,000 Norman civilians were victims of bombing and fighting since 24 July. »
« Operation Cobra was an overwhelming triumph for Omar Bradley, Lightning Joe Collins, and above all, the GIs they commanded. »
« On the night of July 29-30, U.S. forces had killed an estimated 450 enemy troops, captured another 1,000, and knocked out about 90 vehicles in the process, losing less than 100 Men. This event is known as Death Night. »
« General Bradley called the Bocage the "damndest country I've ever seen". Gen. Collins of VII Corps stated that the Bocage was as bad as anything he encountered on Guadalcanal. »
« The battles in the hedgerows demonstrate the importance of good planning, great leadership, and adaptation and ingenuity by average soldiers. »
« The hedgerow country of France doesn't have formal borders, but it basically stretches inland, encompassing most of the Cotentin Peninsula, and then moving inland toward Falaise, Argentan, and Alençon. »
« St. Lô, was among the most important communications and transportation hubs in the region and the key to breaking out toward Paris. »
« Neither junior nor senior officers had done much, if anything, to teach their troops how to attack a hedgerow. Many of the tactics would be learned on the fly and would be learned at great cost to American forces. »
« Close Air Support (CAS), as we know it, was developed and perfected during Operation Cobra. »
« Operation Cobra took place seven weeks after the D-Day landings, on 25-31 July 1944. »
« A section leader must be able to achieve three points - see, shoot, and maneuver, but in hedgerow fights, attackers could rarely achieve all three. »
« On July 20, 1944, five days before the start of Operation Cobra, Claus von Stauffenberg tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler with a bomb. Unfortunately, the attempt failed and led to thousands of people being arrested who were said to have participated in this assassination attempt. »
« The total length of Bocage on Normandy equates to approximately 2,113,163 meters, or 5.27 % of the Earth's circumference. »
« There are nine rivers located across Normandy, many with smaller streams and tributaries that flow into them. »
« The combined length of rivers and streams in Normandy spans just over 72 kilometers. »
« There are over 40 fortified farmsteads found throughout the Normandy terrain. »
« The coordinates for the Normandy terrain are 49°02'32.1"N 1°10'46.7"W. »
« There are over 50 settlements on the Normandy map ranging from Cities down to small hamlets and villages. »
« A total of 98 bridges across Normandy allow the crossing of its rivers and streams safely. »
« A horrifying 3,734 cows have died as a result of the war in Normandy. »
« A network of 331 navigational signs help motorists reach their destinations safely when traveling through Normandy. »
« A combined total of 3,530 traffic signs help keep the roads of Normandy safe for all motorists. »
« The agricultural fields across Normandy are valiantly guarded by 375 scarecrows. »
« There are a total of 6 chateaus scattered around the map. »
« Nine rivers are present around the map, the biggest of which is named La Vire and runs through Saint Lo. »
« Viking leader Rollo and the French king Charles the Simple signed the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte, which granted Rollo control of the region and birthed the name Normandy after the Norse people that came to live there. »
« Normandy's biggest industry is agriculture, though much of it has been affected by the war. »



  1. ↑ Neeves 2023, The hedgerow country of northwestern France -the Bocage- presented a trying challenge to the Allies in 1944 Described as the hedgerow hell by many of those that fought, our 150 km2 Normandy terrain guarantees an authentic & intense experience offering endless opportunities for intense close-quarter firefights and thrilling combined-arms assaults, Discord [Social Media], viewed 9 July 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Playable terrains in ArmA 3
Official Terrains Altis (Amsterdam) • Livonia • Malden • Stratis • Tanoa • Virtual Reality
Third Party Terrains Cam Lao Nam • Gabreta • Khe Sanh • Normandy • Sefrou-Ramal • "The Bra" • Weferlingen
Official DLC: Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain | Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany | S.O.G. Prairie Fire | Spearhead 1944 | Western Sahara