Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about the Armaverse FIA featured in the main ARMA games. For the non-canon counterpart in ArmA 3's CSLA Iron Curtain Creator DLC, see FIA (CSLA).

FIA (full name: Freedom and Independence Army) is the name of three guerilla factions featured in ArmA: Cold War Assault, ArmA 3, and ARMA Reforger.

ArmA: Cold War Assault[]


The FIA in ArmA: Cold War Assault consists of two INDFOR resistance groups: one located in the Independent Republic of Nogova, and another in the microstate of Everon.

Nogovan Partisans[]

Founded in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet occupation of Nogova[1], the Partisans consisted of ex-army militiamen and regular Nogovan citizens opposed to the Soviet presence. Their goal was the restoration of the legitimate civilian leadership and overthrowing of the puppet, Soviet-backed government controlled by the former Nogovan Communist Party.[2][3]

The organisation was founded by its leader Gabriel, who initially led the group prior to being replaced by Victor Troska, a former British special forces operative and war hero of the 1974 Nogovan revolution.[1][4]

Another notable member was Geronimo, who served as Gabriel's and subsequently Troska's aide-de-camp. An unknown individual who merely identified himself as "Tasmanian Devil" to the partisans, provided the group with vital information on Soviet movements.

Everon Freedom Alliance[]

Based on Everon, the EFA was a resistance group that was formed by Everonians in response to the island's sudden occupation by the Soviet military.[5]

Unlike the Partisans on Nogova, the EFA only consisted of armed civilians who had little-to-no military experience. They banded together under the common goal of fighting to liberate Everon from Soviet oppression.[5]

The group was led by its founder and current leader who only identified himself as the "Commander". Others included Slava, a devoted fighter and perhaps one of the group's most skilled members, as well as Tomas, another well-known fighter within the group. For a brief period of time, two American soldiers named (then-Corporal) David Armstrong and Major James Gastovski also assisted the group in an unofficial capacity.


Events of Resistance (1982)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA: Cold War Assault's 'Resistance' campaign.

Following the disbandment of Nogova's army and dissolution of the civilian government[3], Gabriel quickly formed the group and others soon rallied under his banner.

Initially, the group was easily outmatched by the Soviets who quickly crushed the opposition with little effort.[4] However, things begin to change for the better when Victor Troska joins the resistance group. Forced to take command following Gabriel's death and at the behest of Geronimo, he brings the fight back to the Soviets who attack their main base.[1]


Under Victor's leadership, the partisans slowly bring the fight back to the Soviets.

After staging multiple successful raids, the movement begins to gain traction and earns sympathy from the Nogovan people, more of whom join the resistance in order to fight against the Soviet occupation. Later on, the movement even receives materiel aid from the U.S. forces stationed in Malden and receive covert support from Major James Gastovski and his team.[1]

Their continued successes slowly drive the Soviets back until they are finally cornered to the airfield where Guba is holding out. The partisans discover that he intends to utilise the bombers stationed there obliterate Nogova to cover their retreat.[6] The partisans stage a desperate assault on the airfield but incur heavy losses and are unable to break through. In a blaze of glory, Troska infiltrates the airport alone and manages to destroy the bomber fleet.[1]

He is eventually killed by the Soviets however, after they encircle him following a failed escape from the airport. The remaining partisans were also about to face the same fate until U.S. air support arrives to drive back the remaining Soviets. Nogova is finally liberated, while the partisans mourn the loss of their saviour.[1][7]

Events of Cold War Crisis (1985)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA: Cold War Assault's 'Cold War Crisis' campaign.

The legacy of Troska's sacrifice and that of the partisan movement would go on to inspire the formation of the EFA three years later. When Soviet forces led by General Aleksei Guba illegally occupy and destroy the NATO encampment on Everon, the EFA is formed to fight against the Soviets.[1][5]

« Armstrong: The Everon Freedom Alliance, is it?
Slava: A grand name for a poor band of men and women who simply wish to see our Russian visitors leave this island as quickly as possible. Preferably in coffins, of course.
Slava's first meeting with Cpl. Armstrong

However, the EFA are mostly unsuccessful and suffer constant defeats against the Soviets.[5] The EFA's fortunes begin to change towards the better when an American survivor, Corporal David Armstrong, is picked up by Slava and his group of fighters. Slava immediately recruits the American and enlists his aid in helping to defend villages from Soviet attacks.[1]


Slava talks with Armstrong one last time before the latter returns to Malden.

In return for his help, the EFA agrees to help contact the NATO garrison on Malden so that transportation can be arranged to pick up Armstrong. Armstrong vows that he will return with help for the group but help never materialises and the EFA continues to suffer heavy losses at the hands of the Soviets.

Worse yet, Slava himself is eventually killed and the EFA loses many of its members in the weeks that followed. Almost a month later, Armstrong finally returns to meet with the commander alongside MAJ James Gastovski, but are greeted coldly by the guerillas.[1][8]

After much deliberation, Armstrong convinces the guerillas that NATO was genuinely ready to help liberate Everon this time.[8] The EFA were needed to help pave the way forward. The commander agrees, and together with their assistance, the combined EFA/NATO counterinvasion force are able to drive out the Soviets for good following the destruction of their headquarters at Saint Pierre.[1]

Six years later in 1991[1], the EFA still remains present on Everon, suggesting that the guerillas have become a local militia force that co-exists with the U.S. garrison stationed there long after the conflict's end.


Nogovan Partisans[]

The Partisans initially relied on a mixture of locally made firearms ranging from AK-47 CZ assault rifles and hunting shotguns. As their successes against the Soviets mounted up over time, the Partisans gained much needed modern weapons and equipment salvaged from seized Soviet caches and depots.

Eventually, they gained access to armoured vehicles in the form of T-55 medium tanks and high-tech Soviet T-80 heavy tanks, further bolstering the group's capabilities. Throughout the later stages of the occupation, the Partisans were covertly supplied by the Americans on Malden, which provided them access to surface-to-air missiles and other Western-made small arms.

Everon Freedom Alliance[]

Poorly equipped and lacking access to heavy vehicles in comparison, the EFA mostly relied on the bare minimum of hardware that could be salvaged from the Soviets. As a result, most EFA fighters relied on re-purposed civilian trucks, stolen rifles and rocket launchers due to their virtually non-existent logistics chain.

ArmA 3[]


The FIA in ArmA 3 consists of two BLUFOR resistance groups based in the Republic of Altis and Stratis.


Following the 2026 Kavala coup d'etat that would lead to the start of the bloody civil war[1], the Loyalists primarily consisted of disgruntled Altian citizens, ex-military defectors, and former members of the pre-civil war government. United against the hardline Altis Armed Forces (AAF) led by the rogue officer, Colonel Georgious Akhanteros, their goal was the restoration of the legitimate civilian leadership and removal of Akhanteros' junta.[9]

Notable heads and supporting members of the organisation included Hektor Anastas, Loukas Thanos, Rouvin Carras, as well as Kael Mavros. Covertly, the loyalists were also supported by British special forces led by Colour Sergeant James.


« Believed to be chiefly composed of former and defected members of the Altis Armed Forces, disparate fragments of opposition to the 2026 Kavala coup d'etat joined together in the grind of bloody civil war.

United in pursuit of the removal of the military-backed government and the rejection of external influence - despite recent setbacks - the FIA have begun to gain traction among the largely displaced population of the Republic and has found international support in the west.

Although the exact size of the FIA remains unknown - with evidence of cells operating across the entirety of Altis - they have remained a veritable thorn in the Pyrgos government’s side. As to the question of their namesake, rumours harken back to stories of resistance cells of the same name opposing Soviet occupation at the height of the Cold War.
Official ArmA 3 site description


With peaceful demonstrations suppressed by Akhanteros' brutal regime, the FIA begins to form in response to the government's tyranny.

The successors of the civil war Loyalists, the FIA was formed almost immediately in the aftermath of the former group's defeat at the hands of Akhanteros' forces.[1][10][11]

They share the same beliefs and goals of their predecessors: the removal of the existing CSAT/NATO-approved hardline government led by Akhanteros.[10] Only this time, the FIA had the general backing of the country's citizens who had become firmly anti-AAF due to the government's postwar crackdowns.

One of the prominent heads of the organisation is Kostas Stavrou, leader of the Northern Groups of FIA cells on the Altian mainland. Other key members include Nikos Panagopoulos, who serves as the organisation's arms smuggler and foreign liaison, Alexis Kouris, an AAF defector who helped defend the village of Oreokastro in the early days of the war, and (eventually) (then-Corporal) Ben Kerry, an American soldier from the remnants of the NATO's Task Force Aegis.


Events of Beyond Hope (2026)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's Tac-Ops Mission Pack DLC scenario 'Beyond Hope'.


The Loyalists challenge Akhanteros' AAF and his paramilitary allies for control of the nation.

Nine years prior to the events of The East Wind, civil war rages on the island country of the Republic of Altis and Stratis in light of the violent coup led by Colonel Akhanteros.[1][9]

Military defectors opposed to Akhanteros' coup and former civilian officials have united together under a common banner as the Loyalists. They immediately engaged in a series of skirmishes against the AAF in the hopes of restoring the legitimate government.[9]

Early on in the war, a temporary ceasefire is agreed upon by both sides in order for IDAP to deliver aid supplies to civilians.[9] The ceasefire is quickly shattered by coup forces after they ambush a Loyalist squad at Orino, leading to a resumption in the fighting.[1]


Attrition takes its toll on the Loyalists as the tides of war shift against them.

But with the odds going increasingly against them and lacking international support (aside from covert aid provided by CTRG), the Loyalists would find themselves engaged in a bitter five year-long struggle that would only end with the signing of the Jerusalem Cease Fire Agreeement in 2030. With its ratification, the peace agreement marked the end of the civil war and meant an official end to the Loyalists, both as a military and political body within the nation.[1]

Events of Remnants of War (2034)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's Laws of War DLC 'Remnants of War' campaign.

Formed almost immediately in the year after the Loyalists' defeat[11], the FIA slowly gathered momentum and grew in power in the months that followed. Though they lacked the ability to confront government forces directly, the FIA were becoming a symbol of resistance in the face of Akhanteros' continued acts of oppression against voices of dissent.[10][12]


Angered by the government's excesses, the citizens of Altis heed the FIA's call to arms.

By late 2034, these cries transformed into overt defiance as the nation's citizens became disenfranchised by the government's (often violent) crackdowns. One such settlement, the mountain village of Oreokastro, was prime territory for the FIA to seize. With the help of people from the inside, guerillas liberated Oreokastro from the clutches of its government oppressors.[1]

However, in light of the FIA's growing strength, Akhanteros saw fit to turn Oreokastro as an example, hoping to crush the movement once and for all by laying siege to the village. The FIA were ready for their assault and prepared a veritable wall of defences to deter government efforts at breaking through. Thanks to the skill of resourceful individuals, the government's attempt at smashing into the village ended in miserable failure. Even after two weeks of gruelling battles, the AAF could not break the defences nor shatter the morale of the defenders.[1]

Nonetheless, that quickly changed when the government directed an airstrike into the heart of the village - despite being fully aware that innocent civilians were inside. The bombs devastated the village and slaughtered almost every defender and villager.[1]

The battle had been lost and many heroes were felled in the airstrike.[1] But the war was far from over, for while the battle ended in total defeat for the FIA, the government had also unwittingly turned the defenders into martyrs. Oreokastro's destruction had become the very symbol of the FIA's resistance, a rallying cry for those still unconvinced of the government's brutality, and a precursor to the intense fighting that would follow many months later.

Events of The East Wind (2035)[]


NOTE: This section contains spoilers from ArmA 3's 'The East Wind' campaign.


The FIA continues to wage increasingly audacious attacks against the government (c. 2030s)

« The FIA are becoming increasingly desperate, as AAF forces begin to consolidate their position on Altis with the backing of Canton Protocol forces equipment and training.
News reports on the increased surge in FIA activity

In light of the continued withdrawal of U.S. peacekeepers and Task Force Aegis' mandate being restricted to the island of Stratis, meant that the AAF's ability to enforce control over the mainland was beginning to erode.

Within the span of a year prior to the events of The East Wind, the FIA stepped up their efforts and widened the scale of their operations, with an increasing number of guerilla strikes being conducted on the now-thinly spread AAF.


Under the cover of darkness, Nikos meets with the survivors of TF Aegis

A gradual drawdown of NATO-led peacekeeping forces from TF Aegis meant that sporadic outbreaks of fighting against the AAF began to increase. However, when Akhanteros' forces attacked the remaining elements of Task Force Aegis; supposedly in retaliation to an unprovoked assault by NATO forces[1], the FIA commenced a new round of raids against the AAF/CSAT forces on Altis.

During the chaos, Nikos Panagopoulos manages to establish contact with remnants of TF Aegis. They attempt to negotiate an agreement for NATO support in exchange for the FIA providing arms and other equipment. Their meeting is cut short after the AAF attack one of their outposts however, and Nikos himself is eventually apprehended by the AAF after failing to evade capture following an ambush.[1]


The guerillas begin to turn the tides against the AAF

Mere days after the remnants of TF Aegis are wiped out and Nikos' disappearance, a joint task force of AAF/CSAT troops conduct a large-scale counterinsurgency operation in Kavala, which up until this point had been a major FIA stronghold. The raids destroy much of their supply caches and cause the loss of many guerillas.[1]

In a stroke of fortune however, one of the survivors of the task force joins the movement after his narrow escape from the AAF's surprise ambush. Under Kerry's skilful leadership and the resourcefulness of his unit (callsign Omega) along with covert support provided by CTRG, the FIA begin to push back against the AAF in spite of their earlier losses from the Kavala raid. Following his defection, a former AAF official also provided crucial intel on Nikos' whereabouts, and a rescue plan was set into motion with the help of Capt. Miller.[1]

Following the rescue of Nikos, the FIA eventually overrun much of the northern and western parts of Altis with the exception of Kavala itself, which was one of the few cities to remain in AAF hands until the eve of the NATO invasion.[1]

Having suffered considerable manpower and materiel losses, the AAF are forced to fall back to the central and north/south-western sections of the island in order consolidate their remaining forces. Now with the AAF on the run, and Nikos informing Stavrou of an impending NATO invasion, the FIA make plans to assault AAF positions near the Altis International Airport in order to draw enemy forces away from the main airport itself.[1]


Omega leads the charge against CSAT positions in Neochori

« This is where the tides turn, brothers. We are stronger than ever before. An end to our struggle is finally within our grasp. Let us not waste it.
Stavrou briefing his men hours before the main assault

The assault is initially successful, with both the AAC airfield and the nearby town of Therisa quickly falling to the guerillas as their defenders are overwhelmed by the FIA blitzkrieg.

However, they suffer a major setback when NATO helicopters - mistaking FIA guerillas as being hostile, open fire on the main assault element. To make matters worse, Stavrou himself is presumably killed in the ensuing attack, which causes chaos amongst the remaining guerillas as they're unsure of whether to continue fighting or to fall back into the forests.[1][13][14]


Thanks to Kerry's efforts, communications with the invasion force are established and the FIA form an amicable, albeit uneasy, alliance with the 111th Infantry Division (111th ID).

FIA guerillas eventually assisted the 111th in the counterattack to retake defensive positions at Neochori after they were overrun by CSAT special forces. They also assisted in the attack against AAF/CSAT positions at the main airport. Nikos was also fundamental in getting through to Kerry to make sure that NATO artillery did not inflict too much collateral damage against citizens still caught in the crossfire as they assaulted the capital, Pyrgos, later in the evening.[1]

Post-The East Wind[]

In the immediate aftermath of the conflict, FIA guerillas worked alongside U.S.-led NATO forces in setting up jointly administered internment camps throughout the country. They assisted in the round-up to process what was left of the AAF, and helped to identify troopers that were responsible for committing war crimes.[15]

Completely victorious[16][17], the FIA itself was eventually dissolved after the end of the war and transitioned into a peaceful political body. With their goal of re-establishing a legitimate, internationally approved government soon to be chaired by one of their own now accomplished, there was no longer a need to maintain the resistance movement.[18][19][20]



Civil war-era government loyalists were better armed and had access to a mixture of pre-coup AAF equipment, as well as those supplied to them covertly by C/Sgt. James' UKSF team.

This ranged from LIM-85 light machine guns, AKS-74U carbines, and even SPAR-16 assault rifles. Armoured vehicles such the AFV-4 Gorgon were also readily deployed in combat against the hardline pro-Akhanteros AAF and their paramilitary allies.


The post-civil war FIA was less well-equipped in comparison and mainly relied on a mixture of hardware smuggled in from arms dealers around the Mediterranean, along with equipment scavenged in raids against CSAT forces and the AAF.

FIA guerillas are often seen using the TRG and Mk20 series of bullpup assault rifles chambered in 5.56×45 mm. On occasion, Mk200s and even Zafir LMGs are also used. For anti-tank purposes, the FIA utilise RPG-42s and MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0 rocket launchers obtained from arms smugglers, fallen AAF soldiers and captured supply depots.

Unlike their loyalist predecessors, the current FIA also lacked the ability to obtain or maintain heavy vehicles. As a result, it relies exclusively on re-purposed civilian vehicles for transportation. Offroad pickups are often retrofitted with M2 .50 cal heavy machine guns or SPG-9 launchers to serve as improvised armed vehicles. In very rare cases, the FIA has also utilised captured AAF and CSAT vehicles such as Zamak trucks or Ifrit MRAPs for use in large-scale operations.

ARMA Reforger[]


Spinoff noncanon
SPIN-OFF: The following information stems from a spin-off expansion or third party Creator DLC and is considered to be non-canon in the main Armaverse timeline.

The FIA in ARMA Reforger is an INDFOR resistance group based on the microstate of Everon.

They serve as a neutral hostile faction amongst the two superpowers, fighting against both the U.S. garrison and invading Soviet forces.



The FIA's Alpenflage camouflage pattern (Reforger)

The FIA utilises a mix of Czechoslovak and Soviet-made weapons, ranging from Sa 58 assault rifles to RPG-7V1 rocket launchers and UK-59L machine guns. Guerillas exclusively wear M70 parkas and field caps for headwear; all of which are camouflaged in the Alpenflage pattern, though some prefer to wear black beanies instead.

Aside from specialists and leaders who wear older Soviet-made 6B2 ballistic-resistant vests, no guerillas have access to flak jackets or any other form of modern body armour. Instead, the majority opt to don Type 56 chest rigs for storing ammunition and equipment. Additionally, unlike their military counterparts, the FIA lack heavy fire support and aviation assets.




Name Description


Calibre: 9×19 mm


9K32 Strela

Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher
Diameter: 72 mm



Assault Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×39 mm



Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.45×39 mm


AK-74 SU

Calibre: 5.45×39 mm



Bullpup Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO



Calibre: 9×19 mm



Battle Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO



Battle Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO


Hunting Rifle

Sniper Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO



Submachine Gun
Calibre: .45 ACP



Calibre: 12 Gauge



Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 66 mm



General-Purpose Machine Gun
Calibre: 7.62×54 mmR



Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 68 mm



Sniper Rifle / Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×54 mmR


Tokarev TT-33

Calibre: 7.62×25 mm



Submachine Gun
Calibre: 9×21 mm

Motor Pool[]

Vehicle Role Notes
Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Amphibious
- Can transport up to 8 passengers
Single-Deck Bus - Can transport up to 27 passengers
Light Troop Transport / Compact SUV - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
Motorbike - Cannot transport any passengers
Utility Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Has dedicated variants that can repair, rearm, and refuel nearby ground vehicles
Medium Tank - Cannot transport any passengers
Medium Tank - Cannot transport any passengers
Heavy Tank - Cannot transport any passengers
Light Utility Vehicle - Can transport up to 3 passengers



Name Description


Calibre: .45 ACP


Assault Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×39 mm

Apex DLC only.


Assault Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×39 mm

Apex DLC only.


Calibre: 5.45×39 mm

Apex DLC only.


Light Machine Gun
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO

Apex DLC only.


Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO
Marksmen DLC only.
Mk18 ABR

Mk18 ABR

Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO


Bullpup Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Bullpup Carbine
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Light Machine Gun
Calibre: 6.5×39 mm


Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 40 mm

Apex DLC only.


Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 105 mm/72 mm


Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO

Apex DLC only.


Bullpup Carbine
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Bullpup Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO

Motor Pool[]

Vehicle Role Notes
AFV-4 Gorgon
Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Amphibious
- Can transport up to 8 passengers
Pickup Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Has dedicated variants that can repair nearby ground vehicles
All-Terrain Vehicle - Can transport a single passenger
Off-road Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant



Name Description


Calibre: .45 ACP

MAAWS Mk4 Mod 0

Rocket Launcher
Calibre: 84 mm


Designated Marksman Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×51 mm NATO
Marksmen DLC only.


Bullpup Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Light Machine Gun
Calibre: 6.5×39 mm


Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 105 mm/72 mm


Bullpup Carbine
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO


Bullpup Assault Rifle
Calibre: 5.56×45 mm NATO

Motor Pool[]

Vehicle Role Notes
Assault Boat
Rubber Inflatable Boat - Can transport up to 4 passengers
Pickup Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Has dedicated variants that can repair nearby ground vehicles
All-Terrain Vehicle - Can transport a single passenger
Off-road Truck - Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
Van / Minibus Hybrid - Laws of War DLC-exclusive vehicle
- Variable transportation capacity depending on variant
- Has dedicated variants that can repair nearby ground vehicles and heal infantry
- Can utilise Vehicle-in-Vehicle Transportation


Ambcanon The following information is of ambiguous canonicity.


Name Description


Calibre: 9×18 mm



Rocket Launcher
Diameter: 40 mm



Light Support Weapon
Calibre: 5.45×39 mm

Sa 58 P

Assault Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×39 mm



Sniper Rifle
Calibre: 7.62×54 mmR



General-Purpose Machine Gun
Calibre: 7.62×54 mmR


ArmA: Cold War Assault

ArmA 3

ARMA Reforger


  • For gameplay purposes, ArmA 3's FIA faction is additionally available as a REDFOR and INDFOR faction.
    • They are completely identical to their BLUFOR counterpart but are often used throughout the campaigns to represent Altian bandit groups and arms smugglers.
    • ArmA 3's Prologue even has the player fighting against REDFOR FIA units in one of the missions, though this is only because of technical limitations related to factions being on the same side (it is not possible to have two BLUFOR factions fighting against one another).
  • Upon release, Reforger's iteration of the FIA were originally equipped with AK-74s and PKMs. The AK-74 was changed to the (then-newly introduced) Sa 58 assault rifle in the first major milestone patch (Ground Support)[21] while the PKM was swapped with the UK-59L in Update 1.1 (long after Reforger left its Early Access period).
    • The FIA also did not have access to vehicles prior to Update 1.0. Post-Early Access, the faction was given access to UAZ-469s, Ural trucks, and even BTR-70 APCs[22], though these vehicles (particularly BTR-70s) are only available outside of the game's main multiplayer modes.
Spinoff noncanon
SPIN-OFF: The following information stems from a spin-off expansion or third party Creator DLC and is considered to be non-canon in the main Armaverse timeline.

  • In the third party-developed Operation Flashpoint: Red Hammer, a non-canonical expansion for Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (prior to its re-release by Bohemia Interactive as ArmA: Cold War Assault), the Soviet protagonist Dimitri Lukin and his squad encounter a group referred to as the "Militia", who are seemingly a localised militia force that pre-dates the EFA's formation (hours before the Soviet invasion).
    • The "Militia" make use of the same equipment as the Nogovan Partisans, such as the Kozlice shotgun and at least one T-55 tank (possibly due to an error by Codemasters deciding to use FIA marked vehicles).
    • They are eventually destroyed early into the invasion, suggesting that the remnants likely helped to establish the EFA.


  1. ↑ Only for gameplay purposes during the events of the Prologue (2034) and The East Wind (2035).
  2. ↑ Only for gameplay purposes. The INDFOR version of the FIA is often used to represent non-FIA arms smugglers/bandit/looter groups in The East Wind (2035).
  3. ↑ Formed in the immediate aftermath of the Kavala Coup (2026).
  4. ↑ Exact date of formation not known. Only exists after the events of Beyond Hope (2026) and the end of the Altian Civil War (2030) with the signing of the Jerusalem Cease Fire Agreement.


  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 26 March 2024, <>.
  2. ↑ ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Invasion, "NEWSREADER: We're back with a news update on the political crisis which is rocking the National Coalition government. Josef Patocka has the latest. PATOCKA: Citizens. Today, August 21st, the National Coalition has finally collapsed. Vice-premier Ostrovsky of the Nogova Communist party has resigned, and asked the entire government to follow his lead. He claimed that representatives of the Socialist Reform party were trying to establish a capitalist regime of corruption and unemployment, and urged revision and rejection of the last three years' economic reforms. All Communist ministers followed the Vice-premier's example and left the government. They also requested the resignation of pro-reform president Novak. Former Vice-premier Ostrovsky and three other leading members of Nogova communist party then went to Moscow to meet with the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist party, Leonid Brezhnev. The purpose of their trip remains unknown. We'll keep you posted with latest news. Stay with us. NEWSREADER: Thanks, Josef. And now back to the music."
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Invasion, "NEWSREADER: As some of you already know, a contingent of Soviet troops has entered our country. Please hold on for message from President Novak. NOVAK: Dear fellow citizens. Our country is at a cross roads. The Communist party leaders have turned their backs on our consitution and all the principles of our democracy. They have betrayed our nation to the Communist leaders of the Soviet Union. A large number of Soviet troops from Kolguyev have landed on our island. We can't stop them – our militia forces are ineffective. Accordingly, I have ordered all our units to surrender and lay down their weapons. I ask you all not to provoke the Soviet soldiers, to avoid uneccessary violence. Return to your homes and, for your own security, remain there. I have requested the international community to take action against this occupation, this act of unprecedented aggresion against our sovereign state. Dear fellow citizens, help each other in this testing time for our nation. The truth will win out."
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Crossroad, "GABRIEL: Oh, my God. We don't have a chance. GERONIMO: With all respect, Gabe, don't we need someone with more combat experience in command? This is a massacre. GABRIEL: You think I don't know that? There's only one man who could lead us, but - I don't think he will."
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, After Montignac, "SLAVA: As soon as you've heard what we have to say, you will be returned unharmed to your unit. The Everon Freedom Alliance has no quarrel with NATO. ARMSTRONG: The Everon Freedom Alliance, is it? SLAVA: A grand name for a poor band of men and women who simply wish to see our Russian visitors leave this island as quickly as possible. Preferably in coffins, of course. ARMSTRONG: I know how you feel. SLAVA: I'm not sure that you do. This is our home. We will defend it at all costs. You Americans, now you have seen a few Russians, you're running away, like a chicken seeing the hawk. ARMSTRONG: Hey, man! Who are you calling chicken? We didn't ask for this fight - and we're doing the best we can! One minute I'm in a training camp, then all my friends are dead! SLAVA: I am sorry about your friends. But I have lost everything during these few days. They killed my wife. They killed my boy. They burned my house. There are few things remaining in my life. And this group of people is one of them. ARMSTRONG: I... I'm sorry. The Russians are killing civilians? Why would they do that? They want to control this island, not to slaughter. SLAVA: My friend, you have obviously no idea who we are facing. These soldiers are so far from central government that we are not sure if they obey orders from Moscow or from some other source. We are at the end of the world. And the Russians here show us how they hate this place."
  6. ↑ ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Fire Fight, "GASTOVSKI: I've checked in with HQ. Now, I have to wait to hear from General Williams. Until then... BLACK OPS: Sir, I've got Almighty on the line... GASTOVSKI: This is Lone Wolf. Copy. Sir? Yes, exactly as you said, sir! No, sir, of course not. But sir! How can you be certain? You have to move immediately! Otherwise... No, sir, but... This is serious. He's out of his mind! Goddammit, if you're wrong, thousands people are going to die! Yes, sir. Out. Game over. They’re not coming. TROSKA: What? GASTOVSKI: They're sending a letter of complaint to Moscow. And they'll dispatch a observation cruiser to the area. TROSKA: Great. When they get here, they can barbeque steaks on the fires of Nogova. If Guba sends in those bombers, the whole island's going to go up in smoke."
  7. ↑ ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Resistance, Fire Fight, "Major Gastovski to Colonel Blake. Nogova, October 12th. Sir, I'll try to keep this simple. I don't know how to put it any other way. Thanks to the air support you managed to get for us, we finally defeated the Soviets here. We couldn't have done it without you. If we'd relied on General Williams, we'd probably all be dead now. Please accept my congratulations on your promotion to the role of commanding officer of the forces on Malden."
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 ARMA: Cold War Assault 2011 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Cold War Crisis, Unfinished Business, "ARMSTRONG: I was hoping to meet with Commander Slava. Is he here? STOYAN: Slava? He is dead now. ARMSTRONG: Dead? STOYAN: We lose people every day to the Russians. There are not many of us left now. ARMSTRONG: I... I'm sorry. STOYAN: Look, we will assist you as we can. Before he died, Slava had prepared some documents which will be of use to you - information about the Russian presence here on Everon. ARMSTRONG: Thank you. I'm sure these will help-"
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "Altis, 2026. A military coup has toppled the government in Kavala. Opposition groups are crushed and peaceful protests end in violence. Support for the army wanes. Hundreds of soldiers disobey their orders and join the people, sparking civil war. Cities, towns, and villages are ravaged by the brutal fighting. A six-day ceasefire's agreed, so humanitarian aid can reach those worst affected. But neither side intends to honor the terms..."
  10. ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2013, Factions, Arma 3, viewed 26 March 2024, <>.
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, "FIA A loosely organised band of anti-governmental fighters formed in the aftermath the 2026 Kavala coup d'etat."
  12. ↑ ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Prologue, Common Denominator, "Peacekeeping efforts continue in The Republic of Altis and Stratis following the Civil War. Although some progress has been made, the newly-established government still faces serious obstacles, namely the inexperience of the Altis Armed Forces, or AAF for short. Officially, NATO Peacekeepers, primarily stationed on Stratis, have been seconded to Altis to cooperate and consult with the AAF. Unofficially, they have been assisting with training members of the AAF in order to ensure their ability to maintain security within the Republic itself. Recently, however, member states of CSAT have expressed interest in the Republic, further increasing already-heightened global tensions with NATO."
  13. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Beyond Recognition, "U.S. PILOT: Jesus Christ! Who the fuck are you guys? KERRY: Corporal Ben Kerry, Task Force Aegis, but listen to me: your helos are firing on friendlies! U.S. PILOT: Friendlies? Aegis? Holy fuck, no, we thought we'd lost you guys! KERRY: Look, the FIA - the local resistance - they're assaulting that airfield, you're firing on friendly forces right now. We're working alongside British Special Forces, Captain Scott Miller - just, please, get your command to suspend the attack on the airfield. U.S. PILOT: Fuck. That's not our intel ... we just ... hold on - just wait a second."
  14. ↑ ARMA 3 2013 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Beyond Recognition, "U.S. PILOT: Crossroads, this is November, priority! Crossroads, priority! Cease fire on the airfield! We're firing on friendlies! Over! CROSSROADS: Uh, say again, November? Over. U.S. PILOT: Friendly forces operating at the airfield. I've got a US Soldier here at the crash site - Corporal Scott Miller - part of TF Aegis, sir. CROSSROADS: All units, cease fire on Objective Lima. I repeat, cease fire on Lima. Fall back to Point Echo. November, stay put. Keep an eye on him. We're on our way. Out."
  15. ↑ ARMA 3: Tanks 2018 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Altis Requiem, Terminal Defiance, "Some time later, we were rounded up and taken to an internment camp. There, the guerrillas worked with NATO, identifying war criminals among our ranks. Now - as a prisoner - I await my fate."
  16. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Firestarter, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vin.ogv, 00:01, "AAF DEFEAT CLEARS PATH FOR PEACE CSAT EXPRESS REGRET OVER 'MISCOMMUNICATIONS'", AAN News
  17. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Firestarter, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vin.ogv, 00:01, "Following the defeat of forces loyal to General Akhanteros, the provisional ceasefire has held firm. With a new round of NATO-CSAT talks due imminently, strategic analysts point to encouraging signs of a lasting peace, with a shared peacekeeping deal on the table.", AAN News
  18. ↑ ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "Six weeks have passed since the AAF's capitulation. The FIA, under the leadership of Nikos Panagopoulos, have transitioned from a military opposition to a political body and, alongside our forces, are working hard to restore their homeland. Although it will take time for this country to recover from war, the new government has the confidence of the people of Altis. However, NATO's invasion - albeit swift and, ultimately, successful - has stirred a new round of debates over the funding of military forces in this region. The conclusion was clear: there is no way NATO can maintain their position here while tensions in the pacific region rise. The decommissioning will continue and NATO will abandon this region."
  19. ↑ ARMA 3 2014 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., The East Wind, Status Quo, "Breaking news from the Republic of Altis and Stratis. Today, the Altis minister of defense, Nikos Panagopoulos, announced his presidential candidacy. Panagopoulos, a former merchant, had strong ties with the FIA during the recent flashpoint. The capitulation of the AAF to NATO forces opened up a new wave of negotiation between the FIA and the government in Pyrgos. In recent weeks, Panagopoulos has established himself as a skillful diplomat, and is a central figure in the post-conflict reconstruction. This is Paul Goddard, reporting for AAN.", AAN News
  20. ↑ ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, Firestarter, \a3\missions_f_exp\video\exp_m03_vin.ogv, 00:35, "We have inherited a country in crisis. A broken nation with little hope. We must make pragmatic choices, or face defeat. Yet, with courage, we will find our apex. - NIKOS PANAGOPOULOS PRESIDENT ELECT, REPUBLIC OF ALTIS & STRATIS", AAN News
  21. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Ground Support Changelog, Arma Reforger, viewed 26 March 2024, <>.
  22. ↑ Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Official 1.0 Release, Arma Reforger, viewed 26 March 2024, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Factions of ArmA: Cold War Assault
BLUFOR United States
REDFOR Soviet Union
Factions - INDFOR (ArmA: Cold War Assault)
Factions of ArmA 3
BLUFOR NATO • CTRG • FIA • Gendarmerie
REDFOR CSAT • Gendarmerie • Russian Spetsnaz • Viper
INDFOR AAF • LDF • Syndikat
Apex DLC | Contact DLC
Factions - BLUFOR (ArmA 3)
NATO • CTRG • FIA • Gendarmerie
Apex DLC
Factions of ARMA Reforger
BLUFOR United States
REDFOR Soviet Union
Factions - INDFOR (ARMA Reforger)