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The International Development & Aid Project (short form: IDAP) is a Non-Government Organisation in ArmA 3. It was added with the release of the Laws of War DLC.


« This new faction, IDAP, is a non-governmental organization which is specialized in rapidly responding to humanitarian disasters. The faction is composed of new IDAP-branded clothing and gear, including outfits for specialized roles such as Explosive Ordnance Disposal specialists, as well as many other tools, supplies, and other items.
Official ArmA 3 Laws of War site description



Field hospital established on Altis, Republic of Altis and Stratis

Founded in mid 1916[1], the IDAP is a Dutch NGO that specialises in responding to natural and man-made disasters. Since its founding, the IDAP has provided humanitarian aid to more than sixty million people worldwide[2][3] and continues to run missions throughout the Green Sea region[4], Central America[2], Southern Europe[5], West Africa[6], and the South Pacific[7].

The IDAP also deploys its teaching staff to instruct military personnel on the Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC) and the dangers of landmines and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) to civilians. Informative sessions and open days - which are also available to the general population, are usually run simultaneously with their aid missions.[8]

Their main headquarters are located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.



Aid workers unload cargo supplies airlifted by NATO VTOLs

IDAP's field operations are predominately carried out by volunteer aid workers who form the bulk of the manpower at each crisis centre. However, IDAP also relies on an extensive array of support personnel ranging from WATSAN experts (WATer and SANitation), doctors[9], paramedics, surgeons, health promoters, teachers, builders, and engineers.[7]

Ex-military servicemen are also a key part of the organisation's structure and serve as field consultants for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)-related matters.[10]



Common examples of IDAP's supply packages

IDAP maintains a complex supply network that supports almost fifty crisis centres across the globe. They are all supplied through IDAP's main hub located in Amsterdam.[11]

Aid packages can vary depending on the crisis but are almost always delivered in the form of cardboard boxes or wooden/plastic pallets. They contain basic essentials such as bottled mineral water, sacks of grain and/or rice, long-life foodstuffs (i.e. canned fruit, meat, chickpeas, lentils, soup, biscuits), powered milk and cooking oil. Blankets are also a standard-issue item for recipients displaced by natural disasters or conflicts.[5]


Shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, more than a million displaced Belgians were forced to flee from the bloodshed and destruction of their homes. To address the growing crisis, a Refugee Council (Dutch: Vluchtelingenraad) was set up in the city of Leiden, South Holland in the Netherlands.[1]


Portrait of Lars Blanken (1922)

Amongst the roots of what would soon form the foundations of the modern day IDAP was Lars Blanken, the only son of Mathjin Blanken. His father was a shipbuilding tycoon who profited immensely from the fighting between the Allied and Central Powers.[1]

In the summer of 1916, Lars suddenly inherited his father's empire due to a series of unforeseen circumstances. Though he was disgusted with his father's wealth, which he scathingly described as "bloedgeld" (Dutch for "blood money"), Lars opted to invest his newfound funds into the Refugee Council instead; essentially becoming its primary sponsor. He greatly expanded the RC's scope to provide food and clothing to refugees and war deserters alike from the Western Front.[1]

« Gentlemen, man's humanity has been weighed and found wanting - but together we can tip the scales.
Lars Blanken

Following the conclusion of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, the Refugee Council turned its attention to rebuilding wartorn Europe. They supplied emergency aid to dispossessed citizens forced to relocate overseas. It was at this point that Lars and the rest of the RC's founders realised it was no longer a domestic humanitarian aid agency, but that of a global one. It was subsequently renamed to the International Development Council (Dutch: Internationale Ontwikkelingsraad).[1]

In 1973, the burgeoning IDC was finally renamed into its present day name: the International Development & Aid Project (IDAP).[1]


The IDAP was deployed on a mission in the early 2020s to the Green Sea nation of Takistan. The country was still in a state of near anarchy with warring tribes battling one another and the government. Specialists and aid workers were sent to assist NATO forces in helping to demine the region.[12][13]


In the first year of the civil war between Altian government Loyalists and the hardline Altis Armed Forces, IDAP had dispatched a consignment of its aid workers to address the country's growing humanitarian crisis. Workers delivered supplies to civilians supporting both sides but otherwise remained uninvolved with the fighting.

Arma3 dlc tacops screenshot 02

Loyalist fighters secure an IDAP convoy, allowing aid to flow through to Abdera (2026)

As part of a temporary ceasefire agreement signed between the two factions[14], an IDAP supply convoy was cleared to be sent through to the mountain village of Abdera on May 11th. However, paramilitary groups allied to the AAF blocked the mountain roads leading into the village as it was settled by pro-Loyalist supporters. The paramilitary fighters deliberately withheld safe passage to delay the aid shipments from getting through.[15]

To the surprise of the convoy's aid workers, the Loyalists had planned to launch an all-out assault against their blockade and for good measure, also seized the nearby village of Galati. Thanks to their efforts, the blockade was finally broken and IDAP's convoy was allowed to pass through unscathed hours later.[16]


The IDAP dispatched aid workers to the Marmara Region, Turkey, following the outbreak of the Marmara Crisis in 2027. Large quantities of fresh water supplies and food rations were distributed to locals as the situation worsened over the subsequent weeks and months.[17][18]


IDAP once again responded to calls from the Green Sea nation of Chernarus, after numerous reports of civilian deaths caused by land mines pour in.

Numerous explosive specialists supported government forces in helping to complete the demining operation in the South Zagoria region. Many of the mines were scattered deep within the sprawling forests of the Black Mountains, and were remnants of the civil war from over two decades prior.[19]


As part of the organisation's ongoing global demining campaign, a team of EOD specialists were dispatched to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. They assisted locals in clearing out suspected minefields in the more isolated regions of the country.[20]



IDAP paramedics operating in Georgetown, Tanoa (2033)

IDAP aid workers were dispatched to the South Pacific island nation of the Horizon Islands. They assisted the local government in various duties ranging from providing aid to remote villages affected by tsunamis and other natural disasters, as well as supporting domestic relief agencies.[7]


IDAP missions were conducted in two major regions of the globe:

West Africa[]

The shaky ceasefire between South and North Lombakka continued to hold firm. However, many civilians in the northern regions of the South's border were constantly caught up in accidents involving land mines leftover from the civil war. IDAP provided aid to farmers forced to relocate into the larger cities to find work.[6]



Volunteers arriving to support ongoing operations on Altis, Republic of Altis and Stratis (2034)

The end of the civil war and the signing of the Jerusalem Cease Fire agreement in 2030 would mark an end to the war between the (now defunct) Loyalists and the AAF.[21] However, a renewed wave of fighting would break out once more after a new insurgency was formed to resist against the new Altian government.[22]

Four years later, IDAP continued to run its missions in isolated villages and settlements throughout the mainland with the explicit approval of the incumbent government. However, one of their camps based in the mountain village of Oreokastro becomes a major focal point of the fighting when government forces lay siege upon the village due to its armed occupation by the insurgents.[23]

The village is ultimately destroyed when government troops raze it with cluster bombs.[24] The camp was left intact, but the utter destruction forces them to abandon it after government forces evacuate what was left of the remaining survivors and aid workers.[25][26]


IDAP aid workers continued to run their missions throughout the country in spite of the loss at Oreokastro. Their priorities were predominately focused on demining operations[27], though supporting civil war refugees and those displaced by the second NATO invasion were also their main priority.

The mission in the Horizon Islands was also extended in light of the South Pacific Disaster, which devastated large parts of the main islands. The situation was further exasperated by the outbreak of fighting between security forces and the rise of an anti-government insurgency calling itself the "Syndikat".[28][11]



Distribution centre in Katkoula, Tanoa Province (2038)

Aid teams were immediately dispatched to the Horizon Islands following the outbreak of a super-strain of malaria. They distributed anti-malarial medicines to those infected by the outbreak[29] and tended to patients on their deathbed.[30]

However, in spite of their best efforts, doctors and aid workers were unable to stop the diseases' spread as for unexplained reasons, this new strain was simply untreatable by any known means of anti-malarial medication.[31]



IDAP's selection of vehicular options

The IDAP relies on a myriad of commercial off-the-shelf civilian and re-purposed military assets for its operations.

Their ground vehicles and aircraft range from minibus vans, ATVs, SUVs, 6x6 flatbed trucks and off-road pickups. EH302 medium-lift helicopters are also rented on occasion to airlift supplies and personnel into hard-to-reach locales.

Land mine removal technicians and aid workers also rely on a mixture of specialist-made EOD/general-purpose and medical delivery drones to carry out various tasks. Some land-based UGVs are also utilised as modern day robotic mules to handle heavy cargo.

Survivors' Stories[]

Victims of landmines from all walks of life are often interviewed by the IDAP, as part of a series to promote awareness of the dangers they pose not just to military personnel but to civilians as well:

Sergeant Ben Kerry, U.S. Army soldier


Sgt. Ben Kerry unwittingly entered a civil war-era minefield while trying to escape government forces on Stratis:

"Although we knew about the landmines on the island, we didn't have much time to think about them - there was a lot of confusion - the Greenbacks [Altis Armed Forces] took us completely by surprise."

"It was one of those nightmare-type scenarios, the kind of thing nobody could ever really plan for. In fact, when the attack happened, I'd been on a logistics run with my squad leader, a guy named Adams, so, we were caught right out in the open."

We moved to a forest - Adams had been in front of me. He was talking and there was an explosion that left my ears ringing. I thought we were under fire, but then realized, we'd somehow entered a minefield."

"As soon as the smoke from the blast had cleared, I saw Adams lying there, dead. I guess you'd probably say I got lucky; if I'd been on my own, there's no doubt that would've been me."

"Still, I was in a pretty bad situation. You didn't have to be a genius to know the statistics weren't in my favor. Few people stumble into minefields and walk away again, or at least, they don't unscathed. Fortunately, we hadn't got too far in and I made it okay."

"Looking back though, I don't remember seeing much in the way of warning signs. Adams, he'd still be alive today if the government had done more. I mean, we could just as easily have been civilians, you know?"[32]

Chidiebere Idowu, South Lombakkan farmer


Chidiebere Idowu stepped on a civil war-era landmine in South Lombakka when he was seventeen:

"I was caring for our livestock that day and decided to walk a little farther than I usually would, owing to the cooler summer weather. I remember hearing and enormous explosion some distance behind me and immediately thought the ceasefire with the North had been broken, since it sounded very similar to the artillery shells that fell near our old home in Kelakam."

"I did not stop to think a goat had disturbed a landmine. [...] I took two or maybe three steps then trod on one myself. By the time helped arrived all of the animals were either dead or maimed - the noise was awful - indescribable."

"[...] I lost the lower part of my left leg. An aid worker from IDAP later told me that if I had been alone, without the herd, it is possible I would have wandered too far into the minefield. The few steps I took backwards saved my life; as it was, it took them many hours to reach me. A minute longer and I would have lost too much blood."

"The financial impact was severe; we were already poor and our goats were everything. [...] I was lucky. My uncle owned a shop and found me work in the city. For others, the situation is not so good. I have heard of many families going hungry because bread earners cannot continue working; our shepherds, our livestock, the soil in our fields - agriculture is vital to the economy, so it is a terrible problem."[6]

Klara Kozlov, Chernarussian villager


Klara Kozlov out gathering firewood near her home in Chernarus when her mother triggered UXO:

"The Black Mountain forests were close for us and we knew we would always find good tinder there for the winter, which we had permission to collect. We did not suspect the land around our house contained anything dangerous. It seemed very safe."

"My mother was walking beside me when it happened. She was laughing at something I said and suddenly there was a flash of light and I was knocked to the ground, almost as if I had been struck by a truck, or lightning. To begin with there was no pain at all and I was confused. But then I saw my mother lying next to me. She had lost both legs. I lost one - the right - here" [Klara taps her prosthetic limb and indicates it is jointed at the knee]

"[...] Of course, the wounds are not just physical. My mother survived the explosion but died three years later. She was an independent woman, highly respected in the community. The trauma - the transition from being able to walk to having to rely on the charity and the help of others, mixed, I think, with a sense of guilt for my own condition and the death of her husband, my father, during the war - proved too much."

"[...] Many Chernarussians, like me, do not like to think of ourselves as victims. Leftover bombs and landmines are still here, every month people are getting killed - but with help from the government and organizations like IDAP, we are slowly taking back the land. There is a sense now, that we are moving forward and this gives me great hope for the future and for our children, especially."[19]



Spinoff noncanon
SPIN-OFF: The following information stems from a spin-off expansion or third party Creator DLC and is considered to be non-canon in the main Armaverse timeline.

  • The third party-developed Creator DLC, Western Sahara, states that the IDAP's presidency is chaired by an individual named "Peter Rouffaer".[33]
    • However, the DLC is only considered as a "canon-compatible" but not explicitly canonical product.[34] As such, it remains (as of present) a non-canon statement with regards to the IDAP's leadership.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\whiteboard_idap1_co.paa, "OUR HISTORY: HOW DID IT ALL BEGIN?"
  2. 2.0 2.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\whiteboard_area_aid_co.paa, "IDAP SENDS AID TO 50 COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD - TO 60 MILLION PEOPLE! EVERY YEAR!"
  3. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "Y'know, when I joined IDAP, we were a pretty small outfit. [...] Now? We're pretty widespread. Fifty in the Global South alone. CCB, DRR - you name it - we provide aid and development for more than sixty million each year."
  4. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_eh302_co.paa, "EH302 Helicopter, Takistan, 2019 Photograph by Isac Nilsson"
  5. 5.0 5.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_aid3_co.paa, "Some Contents from an IDAP Food Parcel, Altis, 2035 Photograph by Sean Bradwell"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_idap2_co.paa, "SURVIVORS' STORIES"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_aid2_co.paa, "Paramedics in Action, Horizon Islands, 2033 Photograph by Sean Bradwell"
  8. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\whiteboard_idap2_co.paa, "We help develop communities. We teach the Laws of War. We distribute life-saving aid. We clear landmines. COME AND SEE IDAP IN ACTION, JOIN US FOR OUR 2035 OPEN DAY!"
  9. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Dr. Drábek: A local resident and retired bacteriologist, contracted by IDAP."
  10. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "According to Nathan MacDade, a 52-year-old former U.S. Marine Corps engineer, now working with the International Development & Aid Project (IDAP), the one-time sovereign territories have long been plagued by excessive acts of violence.", AAN News
  11. 11.0 11.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_aid1_co.paa, "LOGISTICS"
  12. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "PATERSON: Bet you wish we had one of those in Takistan, huh? MACDADE: I gotta admit... that's sixty tons of getting shit done."
  13. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "No, actually, this was after I'd left the military. Previous deployment with IDAP - Takistan. Must've been... God. Fifteen years ago? I think. Feels like another lifetime."
  14. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, No Reprieve, "A six-day ceasefire's agreed, so humanitarian aid can reach those worst affected."
  15. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, Avenging Furies, "There's been an unexpected development, here, on the road from Syrta. A convoy moving humanitarian aid to Abdera has been detained at a rebel checkpoint. It seems the town is being punished collectively for its support of our cause. Needless to say, we must respond..."
  16. ARMA 3: Tac-Ops 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Beyond Hope, Avenging Furies, "The Battle of Galati was an early victory for the Free Republic. Mavros' actions were instrumental for those supporting groups, heroically assaulting the town."
  17. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_mb_4wd_co.paa, "MB 4WD"
  18. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_zamak_water_co.paa, "ZAMAK WATER TANKER"
  19. 19.0 19.1 ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_idap1_co.paa, "SURVIVORS' STORIES"
  20. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\whiteboard_area_activity_co.paa, "EODS IN NIGERIA 2032"
  21. Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 19 March 2023, <>.
  22. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, this sort of intentional action against peacekeeping missions is illegal. In fact, many now debate whether or not the civil war ever really ended, with some claiming the Jerusalem Ceasefire in 2030 was no more than a political whitewash. Indeed, by Autumn 2034, Oreokastro had reverted to a state of conflict. Guerrillas took control of the town and setup defences to counter a government offensive: "[they] found themselves a new leader" MacDade explains. "For him, this was no time to surrender [...], he [rallied] the people - encouraged them to resist".", AAN News
  23. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Guerrilla, "Mm... but Oreokastro? It wasn't just a town. It had become a symbol of the resistance. It was important for both sides - and government forces were making their final push."
  24. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Redacted, "Unable to capture the town using conventional methods, Colonel Akhanteros, de facto leader of the military junta in Pyrgos, personally authorized the use of cluster munitions. [...] After a spell of bad weather, on the night of October 13, the order for the strike was given. Suspected CSAT operatives intervened in support of the government and parachuted behind enemy lines to designate targets. As dawn broke, a jet approached from the east and dropped a cluster bomb on Oreokastro."
  25. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Survivor, "Although most of the civilian population had evacuated and IDAP's camp was spared, the damage was severe: Hours later, Altis Armed Forces staged a final assault. Those that survived the two-week siege were caught in one last morning of violence, combatants and non-combatants alike. Among them was Markos Kouris, a mechanic searching for his brother who had joined the guerrillas several months prior."
  26. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, The Survivor, "An hour or two later, the government sent a truck to our camp. The soldiers searched the civilians for hidden weapons."
  27. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Remnants of War, Oreokastro Memory, "Ahuh - next job - some truck hit an AT mine yesterday. Little ways out from here. I said we'd check up on it."
  28. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Apex Protocol, \a3\missions_f_exp_video\exp_m02_vin.ogv, 00:04, "3 MONTHS ON 1000s REMAIN DISPLACED CRIMINALITY DISRUPTS AID EFFORTS", AAN News
  29. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "Workers from the International Development and Aid Project have established a new emergency centre on Wednesday in the town of Regina. A volunteer from the organization explained that the camp would be distributing anti-malarial medication seven days a week - and offering supplies to those in need.", Radio Horizons
  30. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "I shit you not, I left him for like a couple of minutes, came back with an RDT and... Boom, he's burning up. I had about enough time to call the CMO before he, y'know..."
  31. ARMA 3: Apex 2020 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Old Man, "IDAP's keeping busy. Rumor is they all getting sick too. Even with the shots. You remember Dr. Drábek? He says he ain't seen nothing like it. The malaria, I mean. It's some kinda super-strain. Kills in hours, instead of weeks..."
  32. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_idap3_co.paa, "SURVIVORS' STORIES"
  33. ARMA 3: Western Sahara 2021 [Video Game], Rotators Collective, Extraction, \lxws\missions_f_lxws\video\ext_aan_intro.ogv, 00:01, "Internecine violence continues across Saharan states this week, following last month's popular uprising by Tura insurgents. Government forces in Argana's Sefrou-Ramal province have been unable to maintain order but deny losing key districts to the rebels... The impact of the conflict has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the region's history. Peter Rouffaer, President of the International Development and Aid Project, referred to the ongoing situation as 'deeply concerning' and called for 'a united and compassionate response' from the international community. Arganan officials however, have been accused of escalating tensions by providing subsidiaries to the Shenzhen Industry Group for private military contractors. A spokesman for the company confirmed today that although security providers have been hired and are active in the region, their remit is limited to safeguarding civilian lives and protecting vital economic interests'.", AAN News
  34. van 't Land, J.J. 2022, The Rotators Collective have worked very hard to follow Arma 3 lore to pretty extreme details, such as following up on clues on obscure whiteboards in our vanilla content. Our Narrative Designer Scott Alsworth has also provided some limited consultancy on the writing. So at the very least it's fair to say the Western Sahara CDLC is strongly canon-compatible ;-), Reddit, viewed 24 September 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Non-Government Organisations
Humans in NeedInternational Development & Aid ProjectInternational Disaster Relief OrganisationLudmila Medical NetworkOrganisation of Protesters Demanding Reform
ArmA: Armed Assault Black ElementResistanceUSMC
ArmA 2 Bystrican MilitiaTakistani Militia
ArmA 3 CTRGIDAPTask Force AegisThe Visitors*Viper
ArmA: Mobile Ops Attidan GuerrillasTask Force
* this sub-faction does not canonically exist within the main Armaverse timeline.