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XCOM operatives battle ADVENT in one of the city centers.

XCOM operatives combat extraterrestrial life wherever they may be encountered. Whether in the city centers, at their secret bases, or at a stopped convoy on a remote stretch of road, you navigate these battles in the tactical layer.

Speed, planning, proper risk management, and understanding of all units' capabilities (your own and the enemies') is key to success in the tactical layer. Mistakes caused by misunderstanding and failure to think ahead can result in immediate and cascading consequences. Soldiers can die or be captured, and failure to complete the mission objective completely forfeits any of the rewards you would have picked up.

Unit Statistics[edit | edit source]

All units are endowed with a few key statistics that determine their capabilities in combat

Health[edit | edit source]

Also known as "hit points", a soldier's health represents how many points of damage you can take before dying. When a soldier takes damage, they lose health. If they reach zero, they die.

Sometimes, when a soldier reaches zero hp, they will instead bleed out. When a soldier is bleeding out, they become unconscious, and will die in 3 turns if not healed by a medkit or a specialist with medical protocol or restoration. If they are healed with the "stabilize" action, they cease to bleed out, but will still be unconscious.

Units who take damage during a mission will become wounded, and will be unavailable for deployment for a random period of time. The recovery time is based on the lowest health reached during the mission as a % of your max hp. Soldiers who are healed, such as by medkits, will still be considered to have been injured at some point during the mission, and will still have to heal. Medkits do not increase time taken to recover from wounds.

Recovery times (Vanilla)
lowest hp reached (% of max) Recovery time Recovery time (Legend)
20% or less 8-31 days 13-52 days
21-50% 5-25 days 8-42 days
51-75% 3-15 days 4-26 days
76-99% 1-8 days 1-13 days

Recovery times (WotC)
lowest hp reached (% of max) Recovery time Recovery time (Legend)
20% or less 14-30 days 23-50 days
21-50% 5-18 days 8-29 days
51-75% 3-12 days 4-20 days
76-99% 1-7 days 2-12 days

Sources[edit | edit source]

Recovery timers were sourced from configs: XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData.ini. The recovery timers are listed as "pointstoheal". That number is then multiplied by a scalar found a couple paragraphs above (1.5 for all difficulties except Legend, where it's 2.5) and then XCOM HQ is capable of healing 80 "points" per hour.