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The Guerrilla Tactics School, also known as the GTS, is a facility responsible for training soldiers. It provides purchasable bonuses for the entire army and a staff slot which can train rookies into a class chosen by the Commander.

A Guerrilla Tactics School is required for the player to equip PCS upgrades on their soldiers. Destroying a Guerrilla Tactics School will revoke access to any passive features purchased at the GTS.

Construction and effects[edit | edit source]

The Guerrilla Tactics School has no technology requirement and no upgrades.

Construction Cost Power & Upkeep Effect
Initial Construction
  • 14 days
  • 85 supplies
  • Legend: 28 days
  • Legend: 100 supplies
  • 3 power
  • 25 supplies
Has a single staff slot for a rookie. When staffed, the rookie is trained into one of the four basic classes. Also allows the purchase of army-wide boosts for supplies.

Training[edit | edit source]

A soldier can be trained as any of the four basic classes

The GTS is capable of training rookies into any of the four basic classes - Grenadier, Ranger, Sharpshooter, or Specialist. To train a rookie, first click on the grey staff slot below the GTS. This staff slot is visible when zoomed out in the Avenger view. Once you have chosen a class, the rookie will need to stay in the GTS for five straight days, or ten on Legend difficulty, before their training is complete.

Once training is complete, the soldier will emerge as a Squaddie of the chosen class. Their earned experience will not be changed.

While training in the GTS, the soldier may not be deployed for any missions or covert operations, and will not be deployed on Avenger Defense or Chosen Avenger Defense missions. A soldier's training can be cancelled by clicking on the white staffing icon. Cancelling their training will return them to active duty, but all training earned on their promotion will be undone.

Tactics[edit | edit source]

The tactics menu in vanilla XCOM 2. War of the Chosen has a different set of tactics available for purchase.

It is possible to spend supplies on tactics. These are passive boosts to your entire army. Many tactics have a rank requirement - at least one soldier must have reached the listed rank in order for the tactic to be purchasable. All tactics are applied instantly upon purchase. Destroying the GTS will revoke access to purchased tactics until the facility is re-constructed.

The list of tactics available for purchase is greatly reduced when playing the War of the Chosen expansion. Many of the tactics present in the vanilla GTS instead appear as resistance orders.

Vanilla Tactics[edit | edit source]

Name Cost and Requirement Effect
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 100 supplies

Whenever an enemy drops timed loot, it rolls twice on the timed loot table instead of once

Squad Size I
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 100 supplies
  • At least one Sergeant

Increases the maximum squad size to 5

Lightning Strike
  • 100 supplies
  • Legend: 125 supplies
  • At least one Sergeant

Soldier mobility is increased by 3 for the first two turns, as long as the squad remains concealed.

Wet Work
  • 125 supplies
  • Legend: 150 supplies
  • At least one Sergeant

Increases experience earned from kills by 25%. Applies retroactively to experience already earned. Does not apply to experience earned through kill assists.

  • 100 supplies
  • Legend: 125 supplies
  • At least one Lieutenant

Whenever an XCOM soldier dies, all friendly units get some temporary buffs (list of buffs pending)

Integrated Warfare
  • 150 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Lieutenant

Increases stat boosts from PCS upgrades by 33%

Squad Size II
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 150 supplies
  • At least one Captain

Increase the maximum squad size to 6

Stay with Me
  • 150 supplies
  • Legend: 175 supplies
  • At least one Major

Doubles the chance that a unit will bleed out instead of dying when they suffer lethal damage

Grenadier: Biggest Booms
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Grenadier

Gives grenades a 20% chance to crit for +2 damage

Ranger: Hunter's Instinct
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Ranger

Rangers' ranged attacks against flanked targets get +3 damage, and all their attacks get +15 crit. The game erroneously states that only their secondary weapons get +15 crit

Sharpshooter: Deadshot
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Sharpshooter

Sharpshooters get +10 crit with all weapons.

Specialist: Cool Under Pressure
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Specialist

Specialists' overwatch shots get +10 hit. In addition, their overwatch shots can now crit. Overwatch shots fired at enemies outside of cover do get the +40 crit bonus normally applied to flanked enemies.

War of the Chosen Tactics[edit | edit source]

Many of the vanilla tactics are now resistance orders.

Name Cost and Requirement Effect
Squad Size I
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 100 supplies
  • At least one Sergeant

Increases the maximum squad size to 5

Squad Size II
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 150 supplies
  • At least one Captain

Increase the maximum squad size to 6

Ranger: Hunter's Instinct
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Ranger

Rangers' ranged attacks against flanked targets get +1 damage, and all their attacks get +10 crit. The game erroneously states that only their secondary weapons get +10 crit

Sharpshooter: Deadshot
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Sharpshooter

Sharpshooters get +10 crit with all weapons.

Specialist: Cool Under Pressure
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Specialist

Specialists' overwatch shots get +10 hit. In addition, their overwatch shots can now crit. Overwatch shots fired at enemies outside of cover do get the +40 crit bonus normally applied to flanked enemies. Applies to Lily Shen in The Lost Towers mission

Grenadier: Biggest Booms
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Grenadier

Gives grenades a 20% chance to crit for +2 damage

Templar: Mentally Awake
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Templar

Templars begin each mission with one focus

Skirmisher: Parkour
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Skirmisher

5% chance for a free move after the first move of the turn. Skirmishers only. The "free move" is a regular action point that can be used for any action. Only moving (dashing is fine) or grappling can trigger the chance to proc Parkour

Reaper: Infiltration
  • 75 supplies
  • Legend: 200 supplies
  • At least one Captain Reaper

Increases Reaper hacking score by 25. ADVENT security towers can no longer see this unit when it's in shadow.

Sources[edit | edit source]

The GTS is referred to as the OfficerTrainingSchool when it appears in game files.

GTS parameters found in source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultFacilities.uc

Legend parameters found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultStrategyTuning.ini

Vanilla tactics parameters found in source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_AcademyUnlocks.uc

Integrated Warfare boost from configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills.ini

Biggest Booms effect from configs: steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameCore.ini

Skirmisher Parkour proc conditions and effect found in source code Classes\X2Ability_SkirmisherAbilitySet.uc and Classes\XComGameState_Ability.uc