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"Hello, Commander. Research is well underway." ~Dr. Richard Tygan

The research screen. The player may browse potential research options here.

Research is the process of developing new technologies, most of which will unlock new facilities, items, or missions for XCOM. Researching technologies quickly is paramount if the player wishes to stay ahead of alien technological development, which will likewise upgrade the enemy forces at a fixed rate without respect to your own development (or lack of development).

Research speed is determined by the number of scientists you command, whether or not you have a lab, and the Pursuit of Knowledge continent bonus.

Research Speed[edit | edit source]

The clock, visible in the bottom right of the avenger, must advance in order for you to research technology

All technologies have a research point cost. The Avenger earns research points towards the technology at a fixed rate as long as the clock in the bottom-right of the screen advances. The following sources give research points:

  • Tygan, who is always present and working, gives 10 research points per hour
  • Each scientist earns 5 research points per hour
  • When a scientist is staffed in a laboratory, they earn an additional 5 research points per hour
  • If you have the pursuit of knowledge continent bonus and a laboratory, multiply your research point income by 1.2

To determine the time it will take to research a technology, add up all your sources of research points to find your hourly income, then divide the tech cost by that number in order to find how many hours it will take to research the technology.

Technology research point costs[edit | edit source]

Technology Cost (Vanilla) Cost (WotC) Cost (Legend)
Modular Weapons 720 720 1200
Magnetic Weapons 6500 6500 15000
Gauss Weapons 3840 3840 8000
Plasma Rifle 8000 12000 25000
Heavy Plasma 4000 10000 10000
Plasma Sniper 4500 10000 13000
Storm Gun 2000 8000 7000
Chosen Assassin Weapons N/A 5000 11000
Chosen Hunter Weapons N/A 5000 11000
Chosen Warlock Weapon N/A 3500 7500
Psionics 6000 6000 12000
Hybrid Materials 720 720 1200
Plated Armor 7200 7200 15000
Powered Armor 9000 14000 27000
Elerium 5000 10000 10000
Facility Lead * 1080 1080 2400
ADVENT Datapad * 1800 1800 3000
Alien Datapad * 3000 3000 5000
Alien Biotech 1080 1080 1400
Sectoid Autopsy 1080 1080 1600
Viper Autopsy 1800 1800 4000
Muton Autopsy 2880 2880 6000
Berserker Autopsy 2880 2880 7000
Archon Autopsy 4000 4000 9000
Gatekeeper Autopsy 4800 4800 12000
Andromedon Autopsy 4200 4200 12000
Faceless Autopsy 1080 5000 3000
Chryssalid Autopsy 3600 3600 7500
The Lost Autopsy N/A 960 1500
Spectre Autopsy N/A 3300 6000
ADVENT Trooper Autopsy 960 960 1250
ADVENT Officer Autopsy 1200 1200 1600
ADVENT Stun Lancer Autopsy 1800 1800 3000
ADVENT Purifier Autopsy N/A 2000 3500
ADVENT Priest Autopsy N/A 1600 2500
ADVENT Shieldbearer Autopsy 1500 2200 4000
ADVENT MEC Autopsy 2400 2400 5000
ADVENT Turret Autopsy 960 960 2000
Sectopod Autopsy 5040 5040 13000
Resistance Communications 1650 1650 2800
Resistance Radio 2160 2160 5000
Alien Encryption 2880 4000 5000
Codex Brain 2500 5000 6000
Encrypted Codex Data 6000 10000 12000
Blacksite Vial 2250 5000 7500
ADVENT Stasis Suit 2500 6000 12000
Psionic Gate 4000 8000 12000
Avatar Autopsy 4000 10000 14000

* Facility lead cost will increase by 2080 (2800 on legend) each time it is researched. ADVENT datapad cost will increase by 800 points (1200 on legend) each time it is researched. Alien datapad cost will increase by 840 points (5000 on legend) each time it is researched

Codex Brain, Encrypted Codex Data, Blacksite Vial, ADVENT Stasis Suit, Psionic Gate, and Avatar Autopsy must be researched in the Shadow Chamber.

Rushing research via Black Market[edit | edit source]

Occasionally, the Black Market will offer "rush research" as an option. When this is available, the Commander may pay some intel for immediate progress towards a technology. On Commander difficulty and below, 50% of the tech's remaining research cost will be immediately completed. On Legend, only 25% of the remaining research cost will be completed.

Cancelling and postponing research[edit | edit source]

"Commander, we've already dedicated considerable resources towards our current project..." ~Dr. Richard Tygan

Despite Tygan's groaning, it is possible to change XCOM's current research priority without suffering additional cost or losing any progress. Simply choose a new research directive, and all progress and costs currently spent toward the old technology will be preserved.

It is also possible to cancel Shadow Chamber projects if playing on PC. To cancel a Shadow Chamber project, click the "pause project" button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This option is unavailable when playing on a controller.

Sources[edit | edit source]

Tech point costs for commander vanilla from source code: XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultTechs.uc

Tech point costs for commander WotC from two source code files: XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultTechs.uc and expansion techs XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_XpackTechs.uc

Tech point costs for Legend vanilla from configs: steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultStrategyTuning.ini

Tech point costs for Legend WotC from configs: steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\XComGame\Config\DefaultStrategyTuning.ini

Tech Rush reduction scalar (from Black Market) found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData.ini as TechRushReductionScalar