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The Laboratory is a facility that XCOM can construct in any room in the avenger. It provides staffing slots which, when filled with scientists, increase XCOM's research speed. Each scientist staffed in a laboratory provides two scientists worth of research speed. Therefore, an unupgraded laboratory is equivalent to one extra scientist of research speed, and an upgraded laboratory is equivalent to two scientists of research speed.

If XCOM has unlocked the pursuit of knowledge continent bonus and has a laboratory, all research is 20% faster. This does not apply to breakthroughs.

No more than one laboratory may be constructed at a time.

Construction and Effects[edit | edit source]

The laboratory has no technology requirement.

Construction Cost Power & Upkeep Effect
Initial Construction
  • 20 days
  • 125 supplies
  • WotC: 150 supplies
  • Legend: 40 days
  • Legend: 150 supplies
3 power

35 supplies

Has a single staff slot for a scientist. When staffed, a scientist will provide double their normal research speed
Additional research station (upgrade)
  • 125 supplies
  • Legend: 175 supplies
3 power

40 supplies

Provides an additional staffing slot, whose function is identical to the one that was already there

Sources[edit | edit source]

Pursuit of knowledge does not apply to breakthroughs found in WotC source code \XComGame\Classes\XComGameState_HeadquartersProjectResearch.uc

Laboratory parameters found in source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultFacilities.uc

Upgrade parameters found in source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultFacilityUpgrades.uc

Legend parameters found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultStrategyTuning.ini

WotC cost difference found in WotC source code Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultFacilities.uc''