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"There's room for us to expand our facilities onboard the Avenger, Commander, but we'll need more engineers to clear out space for construction first." ~Chief Engineer Lily Shen

The build facilities menu in the Avenger.

Facilities provide XCOM with a myriad of new capabilities. Some facilities train your units, some speed up your research, some produce items, and some just provide the electrical power used to fuel your other facilities. Constructing and maintaining facilities is a key part of developing your own forces and staying ahead of the ever-growing alien threat.

All facilities require upkeep in the form of supplies. Whenever you would receive a supply drop from the resistance, each facility's upkeep cost will be subtracted from the amount of supplies found in the supply drop. The upkeep cost is not something that needs to be "paid", facilities will always continue to function at full capacity as long as they exist.

Clearing room for facilities[edit | edit source]

When the game begins, the Avenger's rooms are filled with junk that blocks construction of your facilities. If you enabled the tutorial, every room will be blocked. If you did not enable the tutorial, only one room will be empty and available for construction.

Rooms may be blocked by one of three types of debris:

Debris Engineers staffable for clearing Notes
Alien Debris 1
  • Appears in all four rows.
  • Gives supplies when cleared.
Alien Machinery 2
  • Only appears in the bottom 3 rows.
  • Gives supplies and alloys when cleared
Exposed Power Coil 3
  • Only appears in the bottom 2 rows.
  • There are always exactly two exposed power coils.
  • Gives elerium when cleared. On Legend difficulty, additionally gives alloys when cleared.
  • Facilities built on an exposed power coil do not consume power.
  • Power Relays built on an exposed power coil provide an additional 5 power.

If playing on Legend difficulty, an additional engineer may be staffed onto Alien Debris and Alien Machinery rooms at or below the 3rd row.

Debris Loot tables[edit | edit source]

Loot tables for Rookie, Veteran, and Commander difficulties
Depth Debris Machinery Exposed Power Coil
1st level 20-40 Supplies
2nd level 40-60 Supplies 30-60 supplies, 5-15 alloys
3rd level 70-100 Supplies 80-120 supplies, 15-25 alloys 15-25 Elerium
4th level 100-120 Supplies 100-150 supplies, 20-30 alloys 25-35 Elerium

Loot tables for Legend difficulty
Depth Debris Machinery Exposed Power Coil
1st level 60-120 Supplies
2nd level 80-140 Supplies 80-140 supplies, 10-40 alloys
3rd level 100-160 Supplies 100-160 supplies, 20-50 alloys, 10-20 Elerium 20-50 alloys, 10-30 Elerium
4th level 120-180 Supplies 120-180 supplies, 30-60 alloys, 20-30 Elerium 30-60 alloys, 20-40 Elerium

Debris Clear Time Tables[edit | edit source]

Clear time tables for Rookie, Veteran, and Commander difficulties
Depth Debris Machinery Exposed Power Coil
1st level 5 days
2nd level 10 days 20 days
3rd level 20 days 30 days 30 days
4th level 20 days 30 days 30 days

Clear time tables for Legend difficulty
Depth Debris Machinery Exposed Power Coil
1st level 10 days
2nd level 30 days 60 days
3rd level 60 days 90 days 90 days
4th level 60 days 90 days 90 days

Power[edit | edit source]

Most facilities require power in order to operate. In vanilla, the Avenger has 12 power by default, but 6 of it is already occupied by core facilities, leaving 6 power open for initial construction. In War of the Chosen, the Avenger's default power capacity has been raised to 15. With the 6 power occupied by essential systems, this leaves 9 power open for initial construction.

Additional power capacity can be earned through constructing power relays. Power relays may also be constructed and staffed in order to give additional power. Power relays placed on an exposed power coil provide an additional 5 power. Power capacity can also be expanded through rumors or, in War of the Chosen, covert operations.

If there is insufficient power capacity for a facility's construction or upgrade, it will be impossible to initiate the construction or the upgrade until the power capacity has been expanded to meet the facility's needs.

Facilities constructed on an exposed power coil do not require power to construct, to operate, or to upgrade. Power Relays constructed on exposed power coils provide an additional 7 power.

Sources[edit | edit source]

Restrictions on number and depth for rooms found in source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\X2StrategyElement_DefaultSpecialRoomFeatures.uc

Room clearing loot tables from the config XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameCore.ini

Power relay on power coil formula from source code XCOM 2 SDK\Development\SrcOrig\XComGame\Classes\XComGameState_FacilityXCom.uc and power relay value found in configs XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData.ini