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In all tactical battles, you will encounter aliens. They are the enemies in XCOM 2.

Pods[edit | edit source]

Aliens are organized into groups known as pods. Pods have a single leader and 1-3 followers. They move independently around the map.

Before they have spotted XCOM, they will generally wander around the map in a tight clump and will not stick to cover. In this state, they are referred to as inactive, and will not take offensive actions against XCOM.

As soon as an inactive pod sees XCOM, whether by entering LoS range or by XCOM doing something to break concealment, the aliens in the pod will scamper toward cover, usually preferring to move closer to XCOM operatives. With rare exception, they will not take any actions during their scamper. Aliens will scamper regardless of whose turn it currently is. After the scamper, they are changed to an active state.

At the start of alien turn, all aliens in an active state will be able to take offensive actions against XCOM. Aliens who become active partway through enemy turn will not be able to take actions during the current enemy turn.

Enemy types[edit | edit source]

Most enemies have a number of typings. These determine some miscellaneous information about the unit. Check an enemy's page to see which typings apply

  • Humanoid: Humanoid enemies may legally be raised into PSI zombies. In War of the Chosen, only humanoid targets are legal targets for the Skirmisher's Justice ability
  • ADVENT: Hybrids of human and alien DNA. This typing mostly determines whether dark events such as ADVENT plated armor will buff this unit.
  • Poison immune: This unit cannot be poisoned and does not take bonus damage from gas grenades or venom rounds.
  • No-Cover: This unit cannot take cover, and will not benefit from cover bonuses to their defense stat. They also cannot be flanked and cannot lean around cover.