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"This is an extremely well-equipped mechanized combat unit. We'll need to look for vulnerabilities if we're going to take that thing out." ~Chief Engineer Lily Shen

A MEC powers up

The ADVENT MEC Is the first robotic enemy that the aliens field against XCOM. Its heavy machine gun and micro missiles threaten to inflict serious damage upon the player if they fail to get through its inherent armor and massive health bar.

Unlike humanoid enemies like troopers and sectoids, the MEC is a no-cover unit. This means that the MEC cannot benefit from cover bonuses, but also cannot be flanked for +40 crit from incoming attacks. MECs tend to completely ignore cover as they move, and will simply plant themselves in the middle of open ground before firing their weapons. As a final consequence of their no-cover property, MECs cannot lean around cover in the same way that humanoid units will. This occasionally makes it a little harder to target MECs, or for MECs to target you, when they happen to stand next to full cover.

The ADVENT MEC has a single variant: the Heavy MEC, whose differences are great enough that they are covered in a different article.

Stats[edit | edit source]

Assume unlisted values are 0 or N/A. Unless otherwise specified, all damage ranges are uniformly distributed - each outcome is equally likely.

Types: Robotic, Mechanical, No-cover

Stats for ADVENT MEC
Stat Rookie Veteran Commander Legend
HP 7 7 8 9
Armor 1 2 2 2
Aim 70 75 75 75
Mobility 12 12 14 14
Hack Defense 50 50 70 70
Cannon Damage 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6
Cannon Crit Chance 0 10 10 10
Cannon Crit damage bonus 2 2 2 2
Cannon Armor Shred 1 1 1 1
Micro Missiles Damage 3 3 3 3
Micro Missiles Shred 1 1 1 1

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Suppression: The MEC begins to fire a suppressive volley at an enemy, which lasts until the start of the MEC's next turn. If the target moves during the suppressive volley, the MEC immediately takes a reaction shot against them and the suppression ends. If the target fires while suppressed, they have a -35 penalty to aim. Suppressed targets may not use offensive abilities. Costs 2 ammo.

The size of the Micro Missile aoe

Micro Missiles: The MEC fires a volley of missiles at a location. The missiles deal direct damage, destroy cover, and occasionally light fires. The MEC only carries a single charge of this ability.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Variant As pod leader As pod follower
ADVENT MEC April 12 - June 13

April 30 - July 28 (Legend)

April 12 - July 3

April 30 - August 27 (Legend)||

ADVENT MECs may lead Enemies who can lead ADVENT MECs
ADVENT Trooper, ADVENT Stun Lancer, ADVENT MEC, ADVENT Shield Bearer, ADVENT Purifier ADVENT Officer, Sectoid, ADVENT Stun Lancer, Viper, ADVENT MEC, Codex, Berserker, ADVENT Shield Bearer, Archon, ADVENT Heavy MEC, Andromedon

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Enemy behavior is processed one action at a time. Figure out what they will do in the first action, and then figure out what they will do in the second action from their new position with their last action point. Actions are bolded. Actions higher on the list are always attempted first if the conditions are met. The conditions are italicized.

The ADVENT MEC may take on one of many AI jobs. These generally affect their behavior in extremely minor ways, such as causing them to attack civilians in retaliations, attack the device in protect device missions, or helping determine where and how they will take cover.

Action 1

  • Move to a position to fire micro missiles.
    • Requires Micro Missiles. Requires that ADVENT can see at least two XCOM units close enough together for the MEC to hit both of them. If the MEC determines that such a cluster of XCOM units exists, and that it can fire micro missiles at them after moving, it will move wherever it needs to go to fire the missiles. Performs a Safe to Move check.
  • Move according to job
    • Ignores presence of cover at destination. Requires passing an additional Safe to Move Check.
  • Hunt XCOM
    • Moves toward last known location of XCOM units. Ignores presence of cover and ignores whether its new position can fire at XCOM. Requires passing an additional Safe to Move check
  • Overwatch, Multiple possible triggers, checked in the following order:
    • If two or more aliens are already overwatching, do not overwatch, even if the below conditions are true.
    • If it can see any XCOM operatives in a zone targeted by a two-turn attack (Psionic Rift, Wrath Cannon, or Blazing Pinions), 100% chance to overwatch. If one alien unit is already overwatching, 50% to overwatch.
    • If all available shots have less than 50 hit and nobody else overwatching, 25% to overwatch.
    • If the VIP is visible, 75% to overwatch. If at least one other alien unit overwatching already, 15% instead to overwatch.
    • If the EVAC and at least one XCOM unit is visible, 100% to overwatch. If at least one other alien unit overwatching already, 75% to overwatch.
  • Shoot
  • Reload
    • Only chosen if its gun is out of ammunition

Action 2

  • Fire Micro Missiles
    • Can only be fired if it hits at least two XCOM units.
  • Suppress
    • Requires at least two shots, and that all of the MEC's shot percentages are below 50%
  • Overwatch, Multiple possible triggers, checked in the following order:
    • If two or more aliens are already overwatching, do not overwatch, even if the below conditions are true.
    • If it can see any XCOM operatives in a zone targeted by a two-turn attack (Psionic Rift, Wrath Cannon, or Blazing Pinions), 100% chance to overwatch. If one alien unit is already overwatching, 50% to overwatch.
    • If all available shots have less than 50 hit and nobody else overwatching, 25% to overwatch.
    • If the VIP is visible, 75% to overwatch. If at least one other alien unit overwatching already, 15% instead to overwatch.
    • If the EVAC and at least one XCOM unit is visible, 100% to overwatch. If at least one other alien unit overwatching already, 75% to overwatch.
  • Shoot
  • Reload
    • Only chosen if its gun is out of ammunition
  • Move according to job
    • Ignores presence of cover at destination.

Sources[edit | edit source]

Character stats found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.ini

Enemy damage stats found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini

AI behavior found in configs steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config\DefaultAI.ini

Force level appearance found in configs \steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\XComGame\Config\DefaulttEncounterLists.ini