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Referring to events that occur simultaneously, but which are regarded as causally unrelated.
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References in periodicals archive ?
According to municipality officials, the surprise inspections coincide with the Holy Month of Ramadan.
In any case the third Monday of December might not coincide with Christmas.
Muscat, Nov 1 (ONA) The new headquarters of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea was opened this evening at the diplomatic neighborhood in Muscat to coincide with Korea's National Day celebrations under the auspices of Dr.
The harvest moon and eclipse will not coincide for another eight years, so you will have to wait until 2024 to see it again.
BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / The security forces cut off today a number of roads in central Baghdad to coincide with a demonstration by followers of the Sadrist Movement hoped to start this afternoon in al-Tahrir Square.
This study coincide with the study of Rush JA, et al.
I want the President's words to coincide with the actions.
The ERC launched a new relief campaign at the Lebanese-Syrian border villages to coincide with the winter season in response to appeals for relief received by the embassy.
The book will be published on 2 October 2014 to coincide with National Poetry Day.
The rollout is expected to occur on the second Tuesday of April, to coincide with the usual Patch Tuesday distribution.