coincidence counting

coincidence counting

[kō′in·sə·dəns ‚kau̇nt·iŋ]
A method of distinguishing particular types of events from background events and of measuring the velocities or directions of particles, by registering the occurrence of counts in two or more particle detectors within a given time interval by means of coincidence circuits.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Laboratory Primary Method(s) Uncertainty Reference(s) (k = 1), % ANSTO 4n[pi][beta]-[gamma] 1.4 [25,29] coincidence counting efficiency-tracing extrapolation method BEV pressurised ionization 1.0 [22] chamber CIEMAT pressurized IC; 0.48 to 0.63 [24,27,31, 4[pi][beta](PPC)-[gamma] 32] coincidence; CNET CMI-IIR 4[pi][beta](PC)-[gamma] 0.44 [25] coincidence CNEA 4[pi][beta](PC)-[gamma] 0.57 [31] coincidence ENEA CNET 0.51 [26] INER 4[pi][beta](PC)-[gamma] 0.51 [25] coincidence IPEN 4[pi][beta](PC)-[gamma] 0.58 [23] coincidence IRA pressurised ionization 0.30 to 0.55 [22,30] chamber; 4[pi][beta]- 4[pi][gamma] coincidence LNE-LNHB TDCR-LSC 1.0 [22,31] NIRH IC measurement 1.1 [23] NIST CNET; pressurized IC; 0.44 to 0.70 [25,37-39, TDCR-LSC; LTAC(LS) 41,79] and herein.
(8), reported on the results of measurements using 4 [pi][beta] - [gamma] coincidence counting. As with Schonfeld, et al., the coincidence spectrometer consisted of a proportional counter and NaI (T1) detector for the [beta] and [gamma] detection channels, respectively.
The coincidence counting rate for these double coincidences came to about 0.5 [s.sup.-1] to 1 [s.sup.-1] corresponding to a background suppression factor of about [10.sup.3].