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Electronics of or relating to a circuit that produces an output pulse only when both its input terminals receive pulses within a specified interval
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


A numerical value equal to the number of double crossovers observed, divided by the number expected; a measure of interference.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Love Just a Coincidence released in 2011 became one of the smash hits of the year.
There is a debate about whether an unexpected experience is a "coincidence" or a "sign."
This argument is amplified in chapter three, Cosmic Coincidences, in which Browne leaves the framework of human experience and directs his analyses towards coincidences in the cosmic realm.
Then it is well known that the coincidence set Coin(f,g) splits into a disjoint union of coincidence classes.
Often these coincidences are explained as being controlled by a higher power or pure chance.
Here are more examples of incredible and documented coincidences:
By sheer coincidence, the person appearing as main shareholder of SporTeam in Cyprus was Stelios Constantinou.
The aim of this work is to derive the results for random coincidence points for multivalued nonlinear contractions in partially ordered metric spaces.
The website Wikipedia ( defines a coincidence as: A coincidence (often stated as a mere coincidence) is a collection of two or more events or conditions, closely related by time, space, form, or other associations which appear unlikely to bear a relationship as either cause to effect or effects of a shared cause, within the observer's or observers' understanding of what cause can produce what effects.
Goran Adamovski, provoked by the several break-ins in the house of leader of party United for Macedonia Ljube Boskoski, comments for Utrinski vesnik that there are many coincidences in these break-ins.
He said: "The prosecution say you would need to believe too many coincidences to think anyone other than Mr Pope killed Karen Skipper.
The activities, suggested by local groups, will create discreet coincidences within Picton's daily routine.