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1. coins collectively
2. the act of striking coins
3. the currency of a country
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the manufacture, or minting, of coins. Initially coins were minted by private individuals (in Russia these people were known as livtsi and serebrianiki). Subsequently the manufacture of coins became a state monopoly and was carried out at state mints. In the USSR coins of small denominations are minted at the Mint of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR in Leningrad: nickel-silver coins in denominations of 1 ruble and 50, 20, 15, and 10 kopecks are minted there, as are brass coins in denominations of 5, 3, 2, and 1 kopeck.

In the ancient world coins were made of pure gold and silver (Greece) or their alloy (Lydia). Later copper alloys were added to the coin metal. An increase in the amount of alloy above the fixed standard led to the debasement of coins. When monometallism was practiced, full-value gold or silver coins were minted, whose face value equaled the value of their metal content. With the development of capitalism most countries reached a fixed standardization for assaying currency metals. In minting less than full value coins of small denominations, copper and silver were gradually replaced by nickel and bronze alloys.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
decimalization of coinage, table of conversion, design process of
And according to Pande, the variety, aesthetic sensitivity and rich narrative content found in these surpass any other coinage of Ancient India.
(6) I shall only add that of the two it is the case that a king cannot debase the coinage arbitrarily and without the consent of the people.
Some coins were molded with beaded rims that would enhance their appearance and connect them visually to the precious-metal coinage that had virtually disappeared from circulation.
Coinages This soldier has lived the value of discipline and honour, and yet he often lets go of these virtues.
An event assistant from The Royal Mint holds a new two-pound coin in during an unveiling ceremony for the <Blatest coinage portrait of Queen Elizabeth II at the National Portrait Gallery
In Authorisms, Paul Dickson traces writerly coinages (a coinage of the Elizabethan scribe George Puttenham) of words and expressions ranging from assassination (Shakespeare's Macbeth) to zombification (the poet Andrei Codrescu).
She argues that the increasing connectivity of the Classical world--which included the Aegean region; the Athenian Empire in the fifth century BC; areas conquered by Alexander the Great; and an increasingly vast Roman Empire--gave rise to the development of money, monetary systems such as coinage, as well as to complex monetary networks.
Stephen Deng, Coinage and State Formation in Early Modern English Literature, Early Modern Cultural Studies 1500-1700 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011).
British Museum Anglo-Saxon coins I; early Anglo-Saxon gold and Anglo-Saxon and continental silver coinage of the North Sea area, c.
The State Bank museum is the first museum of Pakistan which exclusively covers evolution of money and banking, history of coinage, currency notes besides central banking and monetary systems of South Asia and many other important issues relating to finance and banking.
While in January the coinage gold holdings of the Bank amounted to BGN 3,149 billion, by the beginning of July the value of gold in foreign exchange reserves fell to BGN 2,676 billion reports standart.