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Related to coinages: Coined term


1. coins collectively
2. the act of striking coins
3. the currency of a country
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



the manufacture, or minting, of coins. Initially coins were minted by private individuals (in Russia these people were known as livtsi and serebrianiki). Subsequently the manufacture of coins became a state monopoly and was carried out at state mints. In the USSR coins of small denominations are minted at the Mint of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR in Leningrad: nickel-silver coins in denominations of 1 ruble and 50, 20, 15, and 10 kopecks are minted there, as are brass coins in denominations of 5, 3, 2, and 1 kopeck.

In the ancient world coins were made of pure gold and silver (Greece) or their alloy (Lydia). Later copper alloys were added to the coin metal. An increase in the amount of alloy above the fixed standard led to the debasement of coins. When monometallism was practiced, full-value gold or silver coins were minted, whose face value equaled the value of their metal content. With the development of capitalism most countries reached a fixed standardization for assaying currency metals. In minting less than full value coins of small denominations, copper and silver were gradually replaced by nickel and bronze alloys.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Further exhibits display dynastic coinage. These were introduced between 2nd century BCE and 2nd century CE with the arrival of foreign conquerors -- Indo-Greek, Saka-Pallava and Kushan.
The deverbal coinages that are characterized by the onomasiological feature of 'property' encompass adjectives ([d.sub.5]), lexicalized present participles ([d.sub.6]), modal adjectives ([d.sub.7]) and lexicalized past participles ([d.sub.8]).
The latest is the General repeating the coinage ' Presstitute' for the media.
It is now possible, to give but one example, to embark upon a systematic examination of the metrology of this coinage.
The literatures in sociolinguistics that appear relevant to this study on coinages in Nigerian English are historical in nature.
log*o*dae*da*ly ..." arbitrary or capricious coinage of words ~ Merriam-Webster
In my semantic analysis I will treat separately (1) the semantics of the LME -ship(e) in formations inherited from Old and Early Middle English and (2) the semantics of -ship(e) in new LME coinages.
Depending upon the succession with which one-root deverbal coinages are registered in the written sources, their paradigmatization trends can be revealed.
Contemporaries, obviously, were fascinated by Bude's technical information about Roman coinage and its value, relative to other ancient coinages but also to that of Renaissance France.
Roman coinage circulated in Britain as part of the Roman Empire, of course.
if anybody was detected in imitating gold or silver coinage, it was called a |spiritual' business because it touched his life; but if it were for copper money only, it was called 'temporal' because he was in no danger of the gallows for that...I have known as many as three and four people strung up together at one time for that offence...
Coinage of the Americas Conference (16th: 2006: American Numismatic Society) Ed.