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Synonyms for coinage

coins collectively

a newly invented word or phrase

the act of inventing a word or phrase

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As the Nation's sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage, the Mint is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce.
The coinage act of 1792 provided the basic framework for subsequent coinage systems not only in the US in fact across the world.
KARACHI: State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Saturday organized a special exhibition "Art in Coinage" at its Museum to
'Oh I remember this one from my childhood,' I would hear them say as they had a story to narrate about the different coins they connected with,' smiled Abdul Jabbar Gull, the artist behind the special Art in Coinage exhibition, which opened at the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Museum here on the occasion of Pakistan Day.
KARACHI -- State Bank of Pakistan celebrated Pakistan Resolution Day on 23rd March, 2019 by holding a special exhibition 'Art in Coinage' at SBP Museum, Karachi.
Medievalists explore ways of studying money, especially in its most direct medieval manifestation as coinage. They introduce readers to a range of approaches to a subject that has traditionally been seen as somewhat specialized, a domain of highly technical study that often seems to sit at some removed from the mainstream of historical and archaeological research.
Sanjib Kumar Singh, archaeologist and museologist, National Museum, remarked, "It traces the journey of Indian coinage from its shell avatars to the modern-day plastic version of credit cards.
Sherif Hazem, advisor to the minister of finance, said that installing the change machines comes within the framework of the directives of the Minister of Finance Mohamed Moeit, in order to take some of the burden off of citizens and offer them services, which suit them, adding that the machine was supplied for free by one of the English companies which deals with the Coinage Authority and is affiliated to the Ministry of Finance.
FILE - Ministry of Finance CAIRO - 19 August 2018: The coinage authority in Egypt is working on a project to locally manufacture metal plates for road vehicles to replace imports and secure hard currency.
In order to fill a gap in the budget, which is never not a problem, especially in a sprawling empire, certain smart and clever men propose that it would be helpful in many difficult situations if something were to be pulled out of the weight of the coinage or from its quality, by debasing the metal while still retaining its original value.
We offer a dictionary phrase and a coinage: busy Lizzie (10 letters), the impatiens plant; choo-choo queue (13), a child's description of a line of people waiting to board a train.
From 1921 to 1922, the famed Meissen Porcelain Manufactory produced some of history's most distinctive and attractive coinage from the stoneware and porcelain clay bodies on which the factory had founded its reputation more than two hundred years earlier.
"These special coins have kept much the same form since 1670, and they still bear the portrait of Her Majesty designed for her coronation in 1953, even though the image on ordinary circulating coinage has since been changed four times," ( the Royal Family said , explaining Maundy Thursday.
Senior Research Curator Graham Dyer said: "There was such an air of mystery about the coinage of Edward VIII.