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A public telephone on the street or in a building lobby that accept coins or collect calls. As of 2020, there are an estimated 100,000 payphones in the U.S. with most of them in New York City. At the turn of the century, there were two million in the country.

An Israeli Payphone for International Calls
With instructions in Hebrew and English, this payphone on a Jerusalem street in 2013 accepted Euros and Shekels. Collect calls could be made to the U.S.
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"We have a large family and the reason we got a coinbox into the house was to keep an eye on the bill.
The new coinbox phones will cost between pounds 178 and pounds 600, depending upon the model.
The COSD for the CoinBox in Figure 5 consists of two AOSD's for its two state dependent data members.
One of the saddest was made on May 4, 1974: Call from woman in coinbox who said: "I've left my baby outside your offices, all its clothes at Birchfield Hotel.
And during the burglary, at Alice Street, South Shields, a laptop, mountain bike, watch, perfume and coinbox were stolen.
Around midnight she rang a friend from a coinbox, and as she spoke a car pulled up and offered her a lift.
To raise the funds they used their PWS&D coinboxes, weekly offerings, book sales, penny parades, bottle drives, luncheons after church, a read-a-thon, and a wishing well.