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To go along with; to go with or to attend as a companion or associate.

A motor vehicle statute may require beginning drivers or drivers under a certain age to be accompanied by a licensed adult driver whenever operating an automobile. To comply with such a law, the licensed adult must supervise the beginner and be seated in such a way as to be able to render advice and assistance.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Athos followed the road for some time, his eyes fixed upon the ground; slight stains of blood, which came from the wound inflicted upon the man who accompanied the carriage as a courier, or from one of the horses, dotted the road.
But he had gone farther than Athos--for at the village of Festubert, while drinking at an inn, he had learned without needing to ask a question that the evening before, at half-past eight, a wounded man who accompanied a lady traveling in a post-chaise had been obliged to stop, unable to go further.
In a quarter of an hour he returned, accompanied by a tall man, masked, and wrapped in a large red cloak.
Several who were to have accompanied him became impatient of this delay.
Three weeks later, Mors Kajak and his officers, accompanied by Tars Tarkas and Sola, returned upon a battleship that had been dispatched to Thark to fetch them in time for the ceremony which made Dejah Thoris and John Carter one.
Tarzan, who, by this time, with the assistance of Abdul, had picked up quite a smattering of Arab, questioned one of the younger men who had accompanied the sheik while the latter paid his respects to Captain Gerard.
So he wrote to Giovanni Fogliani that, having been away from home for many years, he wished to visit him and his city, and in some measure to look upon his patrimony; and although he had not laboured to acquire anything except honour, yet, in order that the citizens should see he had not spent his time in vain, he desired to come honourably, so would be accompanied by one hundred horsemen, his friends and retainers; and he entreated Giovanni to arrange that he should be received honourably by the Fermians, all of which would be not only to his honour, but also to that of Giovanni himself, who had brought him up.
This instrument, accompanied by private letters of similar import, was delivered to Mr.
As soon as he could withdraw from these somewhat embarrassing demonstrations, he went, accompanied by his friends, to pay a visit to the Columbiad.
In addition, NCB Vice President and Loan Officer Paulette Bonanno arranged a $1.25 million first mortgage accompanied by a $150,000 second mortgage for the 20-unit co-op located at 21 Canterbury Road in Great Neck, NY; and a $698,000 first mortgage accompanied by $300,000 second mortgage for the 16-unit co-op located at 129 West 22nd Street in New York City, NY.
Like Bang and Suck, its filled with athleticism and jokes and is accompanied by sounds made on and by the dancers' bodies.
These were exhibited on easels and accompanied by documentation of the Russian artist's sojourns in China.