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Synonyms for accommodator

someone who performs a service or does a favor


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Kolb classify a process of learner's styles as convergent, divergent, assimilators and accommodators. Honey and Mumford make easier to understand the learning styles as activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists.
(2) This debate has three camps: the Clausewitzian traditionalists, the rejectionists, and between them, the accommodators, who are perhaps a bit quixotic in their quest to fix the concept.
The evaluation of the mentors' learning styles included diverger (1), assimilator (3), accommodator (3), and converger (2).
We found that BN technique determined successful as from the Divergers 100%., 75% Assimilator, 50% Accommodators and 75% Convergers were identified accurately.
Accommodator purchased the property more than eight years ago as part of an $873,000 transaction with Alawest-AI LLC of Northport, Alabama, led by Gene Taylor.
Finally, both the Accommodator and the Converger groups presented the characteristic of Doing, meaning that the transition among various statuses appeared on the message transfer chart, which presented the active interaction among peers and fewer occurrences of C5 ("Irrelevant response").
RPM is an accommodator for tax-deferred commercial exchanges under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Active Experimentation (AE): This learning mode is characterized through individual preferences to act, Actively influence, and conviction and change of conditions, risk-taking, and Being active in the learning process [11].The dual combination of these learning modes gives four learning styles: assimilator, diverger, converger, and accommodator. Assimilator (RO & AC): This learning style is a combination of two learning modes of reflective observation and abstract conceptualization.
Successive studies of nursing students reported a predominance of Diverger and Converger learning styles [15-16] However, Marra [17] found a predominance of Accommodator and Convergent styles and also identified that majority of nursing students had a strong internal Locus of Control.
The case involved Los Angeles-based Namco Financial Exchange Corp., which operated as an accommodator of tax deferred 1031 exchanges.
There are strict guidelines, such as identifying the replacement properly or properties within 45 days, replacing property within 180 days and using an exchange accommodator, to follow to qualify for non-recognition of gain.
A number of studies indicate that men tend to embrace the assimilator learning style more so than women (e.g., Montgomery & Groat, 1998; Philbin, Meier, Huffman, & Bouverie, 1995) and that women are more likely to be in the diverger or accommodator learning style quadrants (Jones et al., 2003).
According to LSI scores, a learner is categorized as an Accommodator, a Diverger, an Assimilator, or a Converger.