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Synonyms for acclimatise

get used to a certain climate

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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In an interview after their 1-1 stalemate with Chiefs on Tuesday, Makhwengwe said his plan was to give his team the first five matches as 'pre-season' for the boys to acclimatise to the BTC Premiership.
'We came to Ethiopia purposely to acclimatise and so far so good, almost all the players are here and we are going through our programs perfectly ' Kwesi Appiah said.
Sixteen banks, UN Environment Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and climate risk advisory firm, Acclimatise report methodologies are designed to enable banks to be more transparent about their exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities, in line with the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
"We want more people going home to their families after swimming in the river." For anyone thinking about heading to the river, Cyle said: "Just make sure you acclimatise the body first before going in and don't just jump straight in - a lot of things could happen."
"We've obviously done a fair bit of research into the travel and how to reduce the effect of travel, but we won't have a huge amount of time to acclimatise."
It would have been better if I could have had a camp there to help me acclimatise with the weather conditions,' she said.
"He's an international footballer but he'll have to acclimatise to the English game and let's hope he can do that quickly.
Rixon, the former Australia wicketkeeper and New Zealand coach, said the reason some members of the team had arrived well in time for the first practice game on the 12th was simply to acclimatise.
"I'm from Puerto Rico and it's very tropical, but I practise in Kent to acclimatise."
Acclimatise, which boasts a client list which includes the World Bank, the Moscow State government, the City of London and the US government, has been operating its research and development division out of its Cardiff Bay office since 2009.
A TEENAGER aiming to become the youngest person to ski to the South Pole braved temperatures of minus 27C (minus 16.6F) inside a supermarket freezer to help her acclimatise to the bitter Antarctic.
Which city in the north of England has been chosen as the base of China's athletes as they acclimatise ahead of the London 2012 Olympics?
And he was advised by sports scientist Niall MacFarlane to follow a strict regime in an effort to acclimatise his body to fighting 7,800 feet above sea level.
We arrived a few days ago and it makes such a difference arriving a bit early because we have had a chance to acclimatise.