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A form of loan in which the borrower is not obligated to compensate the lender. These loans are often accompanied by accommodation bills, which guarantee that a third party compensates the lender, should the borrower be unable.  Troubled financial institutions frequently use accommodation loans.
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In the Uniform Commercial Code, a situation in which a seller makes delivery of goods of insufficient quality. The buyer may accept or reject the whole of the goods, but may not accept only a portion. See also: Partial Performance.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
Councillor O'Leary also slammed placing the over 15s in bed and breakfast accomodation - leaving them with nowhere to go during the day.
ThomasWilliams appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court last week and pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatening manner likely to cause fear and alarm at the Brickworks Supported Accomodation in Bellshill Road on March 12.
PTDC Managing Director Abdul Ghafoor said that the corporation wants to expand accomodation in existing motels.
Statistics released by Trivago show that accomodation prices have increased on every match night in every city, at an average of [pounds sterling]261 for a hotel stay so how much have people been paying in Newcastle?
With net legal migration running at over 300,000 a year that means that we have to increase our total accomodation by that number before any additional British born subjects can be housed.
"We have 15 rooms in current use in Attleborough as emergency accomodation and they are almost permanently full.
20% drop in children living in temporary accomodation
Arabtec did not confirm the number but it is believed to be about 1,000 based on reports from workers at labour accomodation in the capital.
The tourist zone of Sousse numbers 104 hotels with an accomodation capacity of 40 360 beds.
It was like the accomodation to the sloping floor You lamented to begin with but came to kind of adore: The notion of making do, being able to, Girl Scoutian; the minor triumph Of you; your liberation, the body being the beginning, the shifting things Around: that Life is Biology for which no remedy Exists: the turns & twistings of the flesh that used to be Your secret joy, into the finishings: the questions of focusing On the biases, fat with brimming & very calm.
Jameel Ahmed, 74, was attacked by five men wielding metal bars and bats early last Monday in their accomodation in capital Islamabad.
After being formally endorsed as the party's president at the Indore National Executive later this month, Gadkari will be entitled to official accomodation in Lutyen's Delhi.