cooperation procedure

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cooperation procedure

introduced by the Single European Act 1986, a procedure which provides for greater influence by the European Parliament within the legislative process of the EUROPEAN UNION by allowing the Parliament ‘two readings’. The scope of the cooperation procedure was extended by the Treaty of Maastricht whereas the Treaty of Amsterdam encouraged the co-decision procedure. Instead of issuing a decision, as in the past, where this procedure operates the Council of the European Union adopts a common position that is then communicated to the European Parliament. The Parliament can then approve it or take no decision after which the Council adopts the Act in accordance with the common position, or propose amendments by an absolute majority whereupon the Commission re-examines its original proposal in the light of those amendments, the Commission forwards its proposal to the Council along with the amendments of Parliament which it has not accepted accompanied by an opinion on them. The Council then takes its final decision. Parliament can also reject the common position, in which case, if the Council wishes to press on regardless, it must do so unanimously.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
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Moreover, the Philippines and China also signed six bilateral agreements for cooperative measures and assistance to the key areas of education, science and technology, and economic growth, These include the Preferential Buyer's Credit Loan Agreement of Project Management Consultancy of the Philippine National Railways South Long Haul Project (between the Philippine DOF and the Export-Import Bank of China), as well as the Exchange of Notes on Cooperation Procedure for the Availment and Utilization of Concessional Loan under a Renminbi-denominated Loan Facility (between the Philippine DFA and the China International Development Cooperation Agency).
The Department of Finance signed the agreement on Exchange of Notes on Cooperation Procedure for the Availment and Utilization of Concessional Loan under a Renminbi-denominated Loan Facility with China International Development Cooperation Agency, and with the Export-Import Bank of China for the Preferential Buyer's Credit Loan Agreement of Project Management Consultancy of the Philippine National Railways (PNR) South Long Haul Project.
Or, failing that, a group of member states can start an enhanced cooperation procedure. According to the resolution MEPs adopted on 12 March in Strasbourg, the public prosecutor will have to ensure that defence rights are properly protected and to apply European standards to procedures.
authorise the launch of an Enhanced Cooperation Procedure in the area of
Finnish non-wovens and speciality papers producer Ahlstrom Corporation (OMX Helsinki:AHL1V) said on Thursday (4 December) that it has concluded the cooperation procedure at the Kauttua plant in Finland.
It also decided that the EP's Environment, Energy and Industry Committees would deal with the energy-climate package under the enhanced cooperation procedure (Article 47 of EP Rules of Procedure) to ensure coherent progress and to present a firm EP position in relation to the Council.
It also decided that the Parliament's Environment, Energy and Industry Committees would deal with the energy-climate package under the enhanced cooperation procedure (Article 47 of EP Rules of Procedure) to ensure coherent progress and to present a firm European Parliament position in relation to the Council.
The act also formalized a "cooperation procedure" stipulating that only a qualified majority of member states (rather than unanimity) is required to approve legislation on most matters.
The issuance of a directive is a long and complicated proces, referred to as "The Cooperation Procedure," a system of proposals, acceptances, rejections, alterations, and finally publication.
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