accommodation bill

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accommodation bill

a BILL OF EXCHANGE accepted by an accommodation party, that is, a person signing without receiving value and for the purpose of lending his name (and his credit) to someone else. An accommodation party is liable on the bill to a holder for value.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
References in periodicals archive ?
Most UK travel managers are also expecting an increase in their accommodation bill, much more than for flights.
At a minimum of [euro]200 a night per room, the delegation's accommodation bill will average [euro]14,000, not including the [euro]5,000 paid on flights for the 10 officials and any other expenses incurred during their stay.
The pounds 200 is understood to include the accommodation bill, drinks, food and travel expenses.
While the government will foot the accommodation bill for world leaders, foreign ministers and one senior official to attend thetalks, member states will be asked to reimburse taxpayers for the cost for additional delegates.
A BBC spokesman said Mr Bradshaw paid for the travel and accommodation bill of working in the UK, but the corporation met the cost of rail tickets and hotels when he was needed in Salford.
Many of today's students face an accommodation bill approaching pounds 4,000 a year in hall or in digs -a sum large enough to cover repayments on a pounds 90,000 interest-only mortgage.
Many of today's students face an accommodation bill approaching pounds 4,000 a year in halls or in digs - a sum large enough to cover repayments on a pounds 90,000 interest-only mortgage.