Accessory contract

ACCESSORY CONTRACT. One made for assuring the performance of a prior contract, either by the same parties, or by others; such as suretyship, mortgages, and pledges.
     2. It is a general rule, that payment of the debt due, or the performance of a thing required to be performed by the first or principal contract, is a full discharge of such accessory obligation. Poth. Ob. part. 1, c. 1, s. 1, art. 2, n. 14. Id. n. 182, 186. See 8 Mass. 551; 15 Mass. 233; 17 Mass. 419; 4 Pick. 11; 8 Pick. 522.
     3. An accessory agreement to guaranty an original contract, which is void, has no binding effect. 6 Humph. 261.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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This news comes months after McCann Birmingham won Vauxhall's UK service, body shop and accessory contract and six months after landing its biggest ever win when it was appointed to Vauxhall's retail, brand and accessories business.