(redirected from Accommodation Amenities)
ACCAMAccommodation Amenities (Australia)
ACCAMAustralian Certificate of Civil Aviation Medicine
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The grand mufti hailed Saudi government continuous efforts exerted to provide the guest of Allah, with the best of accommodation amenities and convenience means.
At the outset, each pro vice chancellor and focal person of each of the campuses, in the order of campus seniority, made an exhaustive multi- media presentation focusing on campus establishment history, background, locale, land availability, infrastructure, departments/ institutes, academic programs offered, facilities, teaching and support staff, transport, classroom and other accommodation amenities, libraries, laboratories, stock of books, number of computers, sports, finance, recreation and a number of other such aspects.
The meeting attended by the Pro Vice Chancellors and Focal Persons of all campuses, attended detailed presentations on campus establishment history, background, locale, land availability, infrastructure, departments/ institutes, academic programmes, facilities, teaching and support staff, transport, classroom and other accommodation amenities, libraries, laboratories, stock of books,
He said his main objective when he established the Serowe Canvas and Tents was mainly to attract tourists from in and outside the country with accommodation amenities.