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References in periodicals archive ?
Medication charts were reviewed to assess for current thromboprophylaxis therapy and compared with therapy suggested by the Caprini RAM and ACCP guidelines.
ACCP's complement of technically trained members from the industry and business sector, academe and students, including those from religious groups would assist the government's law-enforcement agencies like the Police, NBI and the Bureau of Customs (BOC), among others, in addressing smuggling and all forms of illicit trade, a scourge that does not only cause hundreds of billions of pesos in lost revenues for the government, but expose consumers to various risks associated with illicit trade, as well.
Dela Rosa said he would coordinate with other law enforcement agencies to determine if Tokhang (knock and plead) operations, his primary campaign against illegal drugs during his stint as PNP chief, could be used in the anti-smuggling efforts of the ACCP.
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to examine mean rank differences between ACCP and PwMCI reports because of the small sample size.
The ACCP also recommends that patients who have UEDVT that isn't associated with a central venous catheter or with cancer be treated with anticoagulation for no longer than 3 months.
Patients and Methods: A total of 50 Adults admitted to medical unit of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore, with signs and symptoms suggestive of systemic inflammatory response secondary to infection were selected and categorized according to criteria by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) and Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM).
Los Angeles, CA, June 17, 2015 --( The Association of Club Catering Professionals (ACCP) has announced a new partnership with Master Club Advisors (MCA) in order to provide placement services for Clubs seeking to hire Catering Directors and related Food & Beverage positions.
In the United States, the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines are accepted widely as recommended evidence-based guidelines for prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolic disease, including use of antithrombotic therapy (Kearon et al., 2012).
[6] These findings have been confirmed by a consensus panel of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP).
The following abbreviations are used in the text: abd.--abdominal segment, accp --accessory posterior row sensillum, ant.--antennal segment, as--anterosubmedial sensillum.
"While the significant risks of smoking are well known and accepted, very little information exists on the health risks of different sizes of cigarettes," Darcy Marciniuk, MD, FCCP and President of the ACCP, said.
The ACCP field guide to becoming a standout pharmacy residency candidate.