accommodation coefficient

accommodation coefficient

[ə‚käm·ə′dā·shən ‚kō·ə′fish·ənt]
(statistical mechanics)
The ratio of the average energy actually transferred between a surface and impinging gas molecules scattered by the surface, to the average energy which would theoretically be transferred if the impinging molecules reached complete thermal equilibrium with the surface.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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where [k.sub.g] is the thermal conductivity in the gas phase, [k.sub.air] is the thermal conductivity of air at atmospheric pressure, [[zeta].sub.g] is the thermal accommodation coefficient (which is a measure of the thermal energy transfer between a gas molecule and the surface), [gamma] is the ratio of the heat capacity at constant pressure to the heat capacity at constant volume of the air, and Pr is the Prandtl number.
The mass accommodation coefficient used represents stainless steel is [gamma] = 3.4 x [10.sup.-6] (Ito 2007b).
The mass accommodation coefficient for d-limonene on stainless steel is [gamma] = 2.1 x [10.sup.-5] (Ito 2007b).
A thermal accommodation coefficient of 0.9137 and an equal momentum accommodation coefficient were also introduced, as required by the numerical solver.
where [K.sub.Slip] is an accommodation coefficient taken to be 1.0 and [K.sub.n] is the Knudsen number,
In calculations activity and accommodation coefficients were assumed equal 1.
Second, we will relate the resulting accommodation coefficients to the degree of central bank independence.
Secondly, the resulting accommodation coefficients have been related to the degree of central bank independence.