accommodation address

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accommodation address

an address on letters, etc., to a person or business that does not wish or is not able to receive post at a permanent or actual address
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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They turned it over and used the form on the back to submit a change of address from my neighbor's address to an accommodation address in Northern New Jersey.
Worse still,I checked the addresses on your mails hots and every one is an accommodation address. These letters really originated abroad, and that's where your money would go.
Mr Torrance described Prestwick Airport as "only an accommodation address" for Lionair at the moment.
He advertises his Syndication UK club on the Internet and runs it from an accommodation address in Windsor, Berks.
Indeed, the nation's tonier law firms provide the accommodation address for an immense number of those listed in the American Oxonian directory of occupations.
If at last the latter does now have other than an accommodation address in the constituency, could this, or his shared home with his wife (former Danish prime minister) in London, be the one he might claim as his second home?
The ministry has launched smart electronic cards for pilgrims that are linked with the Saudi authorities and feature permit and journey tracking as well as the accommodation address in Saudi Arabia.
They provided a Birmingham accommodation address as their business premises which has proved very difficult to trace.
I would have contacted the so-called Skills Testing Institute for a comment, but it has no telephone listing and its London base is an accommodation address, taking in mail only.
The jurors heard his "breathtaking and audacious" criminality - described by police as the "largest swindle of its kind" - involved a 100-strong international line-up of real and bogus companies, a bank registered on a small South Pacific atoll, and a firm of brokers that boasted little more than an accommodation address.
"This is an accommodation address and our officers have been unable to find a valid address for the company.