accommodation time

accommodation time

[ə‚käm·ə′dā·shən ‚tīm]
The time from the production of the first electron to the production of a steady electric discharge in a gas.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Subjects were expected to have an 8-week accommodation time to wear the definitive version of the NU-FlexSIV Socket.
The order was not randomized and subjects were first tested in the socket to which they were already accustomed to avoid the additional accommodation time that would otherwise be required.
Nine subjects were interviewed following their accommodation time in the NU-FlexSIV Socket, regardless of the length of accommodation time or completion of testing (four completed the study and five dropped out (Table 1)).
The required accommodation time of 8 weeks in the NU-FlexSIV Socket likely contributed to the large number of dropouts in this population of service members who encountered conflicting active duty demands during study participation.
Dubai -- Sahib Realty co-spon-sored the 29th Anniversary and National Real Estate Awards along with the Accommodation Times.
Chaturvedi: Executive Editor Accommodation Times, Ph.D.
GPL has received several recognitions for its processes and performance which include receiving the 'Best Business Practices' award for the year 2009 and 'Corporate Governance of the Year, 2008' award from Accommodation Times. GPL has also featured as the #1 ranked real estate developer for 2 consecutive years (2009 and2010) in 'India's Best Companies to Work For' survey, conducted by 'The Economic Times' and 'The Great Place To Work Institute'.
The awards have been instituted by the Accommodation Times group specializing in Publishing & Education.