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Relating to accommodation.
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Relating to accommodation.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Relating to accommodation.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann


Relating to accommodation.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about accommodative

Q. My mind is getting confused now and i am losing on my focus. why is this change happening in me? I am a bipolar for the past 1 year. With the help of the medicines my episodes has come down. My mood is good and stable. Even my friends say that I am well as compared to previous years. But since last week I am not able to sleep well. My disrupted and reduced sleep is making me stressed. I just get 2-3 hours of sleep at night. After my lunch my tiredness starts again. My mind is getting confused now and I am losing on my focus. Why is this change happening in me?

A. There are some possibilities that you are not taking your diet in time or your diet may not be nutritious as per your requirements. This can cause you to have increased stress and you can lose your sleep. This may increase the tiredness. Check if you are taking your medicines in right time. This can also be due to your stress. You may have stress due to your lifestyle too, which needs to be well managed in a healthy way. You can meet your doctor, as any increase in stress due to sleep deprivation can raise the chances of episodes to return back.

Q. Is there a verity of exercises i can do with my child that would be helpful for him to be more focused and relaxed and by that help him to control the ADHD effects ?

A. from our experience - any activity is a good activity...if he feels hyperactive during homework or studying, going out and running around the block will be enough for him. if he can't do that, doing push ups, situps, and even jumping in one place can help- although i must say it is irritating as hell... try practicing also breathing techniques in order to relax.

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References in periodicals archive ?
"I therefore agree with the view of the governing council that the highly accommodative policy is warranted for a prolonged period of time in order to bring inflation to the famous below but close to 2 percent."
It is important to eliminate any binocular vision difficulties or accommodative dysfunction as potential contributing factors to visual symptoms while reading.
Vision therapy has been proposed [25-31] as a treatment option to improve accommodative function in adults and children with accommodative disorders.
The accommodative response and accommodative microfluctuation are sensitive indicators of the accommodation function.
The decision to keep repo rate on hold is based on the inflation trajectory, which is moving along the set path, Rajan said adding that if the data supports it, the RBI will be accommodative.
Keywords: Amblyopia, Refractive accommodative esotropia, Stereopsis.
"I think this accommodative policy is right for the current circumstances," Lockhart said.
New Delhi, Mar.14 ( ANI ): The Confederation of Indian Industry on Friday called for urgent steps to prevent the food inflation from staging a comeback, and added urged the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to make a shift towards a more accommodative monetary policy stance to revive investment and propel demand.
The accommodative system has four components [2-4]: blur-driven, or "reflex" accommodation; vergence accommodation; proximal accommodation; and tonic accommodation.
Noting the risk and uncertainty over the country's brinkmanship over fiscal policy, the OECD recommended maintaining an accommodative monetary and then raising policy interest rates towards a more neutral stance when the world's largest economy witnesses strong growth.
New York stocks rose Wednesday, with the Dow index closing at a fresh all-time high on a decision by the Federal Reserve to continue its accommodative monetary policy.
A few years later, McCullough (1999), found only five randomized clinical trials of Christian accommodative psychotherapy--all of which studied Christian cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT).

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