

One that compromises with or adapts to the viewpoint of the opposition.

ac·com′mo·da′tion·ist adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(əˌkɒm əˈdeɪ ʃə nɪst)

1. a person who adapts to the opinions or behavior of the opposition or the majority.
2. of or characteristic of such a person.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Carol Severino explores three stances--assimilationist, accommodationist, and separatist--which instructors may consider when responding to ESL students' writing.
Livingstone in fact seeks to head off this accommodationist approach with a brief consideration of the special demands that our present situation places on education.
Washington, who spoke at the statue's unveiling, tempered his accommodationist message with vigorous praise for the exploits of the men being honoured.
Fairclough's treatment of Washington, his program and its dissenters is evenhanded, explaining both the attributes and drawbacks of the accommodationist strategy, noting, "Despite his conservatism, however, Washington never renounced the ultimate goal of equality.
They cogently and persuasively analyze film noir as "a genre that seemed to thrive on political and personal disappointment." They then feel constrained to eulogize these moody, low-budget shockers as "the most single important mass-artistic achievement of the American left in the twentieth century, both a response to artistic possibility and an alternative to the retreat into the accommodationist political aesthetic."
It is also obviously true that, out of both humanitarianism and self-interest, America and the West should do whatever they can effectively do to help the accommodationist states overcome their deprived conditions.
Through most of the civil war, this accommodationist stance articulated a discourse of jihad frequently couched in symbols of democracy and human rights.
Democrats, meanwhile, have the chance to make themselves over--if they will shake off the accommodationist mush, recognize they are engaged in a deadly fight over the future and appreciate that the abrupt Senate makeover challenges them to be as bold as Jeffords.
Like Washington, Armstrong was an accommodationist, determined to play--and win--by the rules of the white majority.
The interest philosophers have taken in developing courses and writing articles on emerging problems in medicine, law, business, and other such areas is due less to any intrinsic link to philosophy than to what Rescher calls "the practical and accommodationist turn of academic philosophers -- who have been very flexible in bending with the wind.