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Convergent strabismus, occurring when one eye fixes upon an object and the other deviates inward. Also known as cross-eye.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Clinical evaluation of cessation of hyperopia in 123 children with accommodative esotropia treated with glasses for best corrected vision.
Bringing the management of accommodative esotropia into sharp focus.
Accommodative esotropia who needs spectacles for good ocular alignment after refractive shift below +2.00 Diopters.
Factors influencing stereoacuity in refractive accommodative esotropia. Can J Opthalmol.
Hypermetropic children with several characteristics including a positive family history, low binocular sensory function, low hypermetropia (< +3.0 D), and significant anisometropia had a high risk of developing refractive accommodative esotropia [6].
Thus, introspective personality might be a risk factor for refractive accommodative esotropia.
Wheaton, "Risk factors for accommodative esotropia among hypermetropic children," Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, vol.
RAE group Control group (N = 22) (N = 34) Gender (M : F) 10:12 18:16 Mean age at initial visit (year) 5.0 5.4 Mean refractive error (diopters) Right 4.81 [+ or -] 1.94 5.47 [+ or -] 1.78 Left 4.45 [+ or -] 2.12 5.22 [+ or -] 1.51 Mean esodeviation (prism diopter) Near 30.6 [+ or -] 11.0 Far 20.0 [+ or -] 12.8 -- P value Gender (M : F) 0.358 Mean age at initial visit (year) 0.233 Mean refractive error (diopters) Right 0.262 Left Mean esodeviation (prism diopter) Near Far RAE: refractive accommodative esotropia. TABLE 2: Correlation between angle of esodeviation and K-CBCL.
Appears right fully accommodative esotropia without binocular single vision proven with current spectacles.
Right fully accommodative esotropia with motor fusion proven only.
True fully accommodative esotropia with full binocular single vision proven with spectacles.
d) This is a partially accommodative esotropia. Prescribe spectacles for constant use and monitor binocular functions every 6 months