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Pertaining to topographic features that have nearly the same elevation.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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It's never easy venturing out onto the political stage and accordant spotlight, let alone one with global coverage.
-- Accordant, a CVS Health company, has received Case Management Accreditation from NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance) for three years.
Il est, en effet, question de rUu[c]pondre aux aspirations de dUu[c]veloppement socioUu[c]conomique des diffUu[c]rentes rUu[c]gions du pays, en accordant une prioritUu[c] aux rUu[c]gions frontaliUuA res du Sud sur lesquelles reposent actuellement les pressions nUu[c]es du contexte rUu[c]gional parsemUu[c] de conflits, dont beaucoup sont armUu[c]s.
RePower South LLC, a licensee of Accordant Energy LLC, has started building its first Advanced Recycling and recovery facility, which will use Accordant's patented ReEngineered Feedstock technology.
Ainsi, l'ensemble des participan se sont engagAaAaAeA@s lors de la dAaAaAeA@claration finale AaAaAeA soutenir les initi locales et rAaAaAeA@gionales en accordant la prioritAaAaAeA@ aux pays en voi dAaAaAeA@veloppement.
(OTC: ERFB) has completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in US-based broadband network Accordant Communications for 14m shares of ERF common stock, the company said.
M2 EQUITYBITES-March 14, 2017-ERF Wireless Closes Acquisition of US Broadband Network Accordant Communications
Don't repurpose promos across devices--use dedicated creative to generate engagement, said Accordant Media CEO Arthur Muldoon.
To experienced visual observers with suitable telescopes, Mercury has fairly conspicuous dusky markings, and a number of rather accordant maps of its surface have been drawn [assuming an 88-day rotation]...."
Epilepsy patients were significantly more likely to use opioid analgesics than were matched controls in a review of 2012 Accordant Health Services claims data on 10,217 patients with epilepsy and 20,542 matched controls.
La troisieme partie du projet consiste a faciliter l'acces des entreprises exportatrices aux financements des banques commerciales en leur accordant des garanties partielles de credit.