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(1) Angioplastie Coronaire, CORvasal & Diltiazem. A trial assessing the effect of direct nitric oxide donors—linsidomine and molsidomine—on angiographic restenosis post balloon angioplasty.
Primary endpoint 6-month death, non-fatal MI and revascularization
Conclusion Angiographic improvement, slightly decreased rate of restenosis
(2) Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes. A trial assessing the effects of tight control of serum glucose, LCL-cholesterol, blood pressure control and therapy treatment intended to increase HDL-C and lower triglycerides, on cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Conclusion Tight control of blood pressure and lipid levels do not reduce combined cardiovascular events in adults with diabetes.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Also, the annual shareholders' meeting resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee's proposal, that the total board remuneration shall be distributed with SEK625,000 to the chairman of the board of directors and SEK325,000 to each of the other board members.
Accordance is dedicated to delivering cost effective RAID hardware and software solutions for network and standalone computer systems.
"The blocs should realize that the need for political accordance principle have to be decreased because Iraq needs a constitution to be a base for building better future for Iraqi generations," according to MP Nusayif.
If 'personhood' depends on one's ability to act in accordance with an injunction like Kant's Categorical Imperative, where does that leave those with impaired cognitive function?
They can, however, offer advice on how to develop and test policies and procedures that are designed to result in transactions being recorded in accordance with GAAP with a focus on preventing financial statement fraud.
For banks, consolidation should be in accordance with the procedures and tests of significance set forth in the instructions for preparation of Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (FFIEC 031 and 041).
Simultaneously, L amends the profit-sharing plan to provide that assets and liabilities transferred from the MPPP to the profit-sharing plan retain their MPPP attributes, in accordance with Rev.
Finally, all tanks and pipings must be installed in accordance with a nationally recognized association or an independent testing laboratory, and the owner or operator must demonstrate compliance with the installation requirements.
This dual reporting model is similar to what the ASB adopted when auditing financial statements in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS, or the Yellow Book) and the international standards on auditing (ISAs).
Mandating any MP to vote in accordance with the Prime Minister's wishes on an issue which involves and is in opposition to one or more of the principles upon which the nation is founded, strips the citizenry of the right to representation in accordance with those principles.
1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(b) or (d)--i.e., capital account maintenance; liquidation according to capital accounts; and either deficit restoration obligations or qualified income offsets--then an allocation of a foreign tax expenditure proportionate to a partner's distributive share of the partnership income to which such taxes relate, including income allocated pursuant to section 704(c), will be deemed in accordance with the partner's interest in the partnership.