Accountant in Bankruptcy

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Accountant in Bankruptcy

in Scotland, an executive agency charged with functions in relation to insolvency, in particular: to supervise the process of sequestration in Scotland and to ensure that those involved in that process, principally trustees and commissioners, properly carry out their responsibilities, and to take appropriate action when they fail so to do; to maintain a public register of sequestrations, protected trust deeds and company insolvencies; to undertake the functions of commissioners in sequestrations where none may be, or are, elected; and to act as interim and permanent trustee in sequestrations where no insolvency practitioner is appointed or elected to do so. The Accountant also has responsibility for administering the government's policies in respect of personal insolvency and the process of corporate insolvency in Scotland and to monitor the implementation of these policies. Finally, the office has responsibility as the DEBT ARRANGEMENT SCHEME ADMINISTRATOR, involving the keeping of a register, approval of variations of debt payment programmes and for the approval of money advisers and payment distributors.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006
References in periodicals archive ?
The Accountant in Bankruptcy's (AiB) provisional figures published for the financial year 2018-19 show there were 4,862 awards of bankruptcy compared to 4,644 during 2017 to 2018.
Provisional figures from Accountant in Bankruptcy reveal 4,540 bankruptcy awards for the year 2017-18, down on the 4,562 in the previous year.
But Scotland's insolvency service Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) found out MacKenzie transferred funds from a property sale in Cape Verde to family members two days before applying for bankruptcy.
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