accompany (one)

(redirected from accompanied us)

accompany (one)

1. To travel with one. This phrase can be used in reference to both people and things. While I enjoy spending time alone, I sometimes wish I had someone to accompany me on vacations. Pete's dog was more than happy to accompany him to the park. My cell phone always accompanies me when I leave the house.
2. To play a musical instrument in support of a featured band or performer. While her little sister played the flute, Sarah accompanied her on the clarinet. Will you accompany me on piano when I sing at the talent show? No, you don't get a solo—you're just supposed to be accompanying me while I sing!
See also: accompany
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

accompany someone on a musical instrument

to provide complementary instrumental music for someone's musical performance. Sally accompanied the singer on the piano.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
As he was taking observations with the sextant, one of the sailors of the Nautilus (the strong man who had accompanied us on our first submarine excursion to the Island of Crespo) came to clean the glasses of the lantern.
During the day a formidable troop of sharks accompanied us, terrible creatures, which multiply in these seas and make them very dangerous.
As soon as I clasped my arms about the neck of the devoted fellow, and he jogged off with me, the crowd--composed chiefly of young girls and boys--followed after, shouting and capering with infinite glee, and accompanied us to the banks of the stream.
As we proceeded on our way, bands of young girls, darting from the surrounding groves, hung upon our skirts, and accompanied us with shouts of merriment and delight, which almost drowned the deep notes of the recitative.
Toward evening the two steam tugs that had accompanied us with a rollicking champagne-party of young New Yorkers on board who wished to bid farewell to one of our number in due and ancient form departed, and we were alone on the deep.
The stout sail-boat that had accompanied us began ranging alongside.
On our way downstairs, I found the opportunity of saying a cheering word to her husband as he accompanied us to the door.
The Count obstinately accompanied us to the tea-table-- waited a minute or two in the room--went out into the hall--and returned with the post-bag in his hands.
WWV Archivist Therese Weisning, daughter of Roland Horvath, accompanied us to Ohlsdorf.
She accompanied us in the police patrol vehicle and followed the same daily route that she walks looking for the suspect ...
As nursing professionals, we all remember the slight sense of fear that accompanied us as we started our first day of school as a nursing student.
"The bridge caved in after a crowd of those who accompanied us joined us," he said.
"We need to accompany because Jesus also accompanied us all these years," Villegas said.
'Honorable Speaker, during the transitional period, we were disgraced when power failed for an hour in front of our friends especially, our international guests who accompanied us for the occasion,' he notes.
We take this opportunity to thank everyone who accompanied us on the journey of emerging as a country with the highest regard for the principles of democracy and ethics.