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To go along with; to go with or to attend as a companion or associate.

A motor vehicle statute may require beginning drivers or drivers under a certain age to be accompanied by a licensed adult driver whenever operating an automobile. To comply with such a law, the licensed adult must supervise the beginner and be seated in such a way as to be able to render advice and assistance.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The young who were part of the Synod made it clear that apostolic availability is a must for mentors: "Like the deacon Philip, the accompanier is called to obey the call of the Spirit, going outwards and leaving behind the safe area enclosed by the walls of Jerusalem, a figure of the Christian community, so as to set out towards an inhospitable desert place, perhaps a dangerous one, in which he makes the effort to pursue a chariot." The reference here is to an event narrated in Acts 8:26-40 in which the apostle Philip ran after a chariot of an Ethiopian, a eunuch, who was grappling to understand a passage from Isaias which referred to a sheep being led to slaughter.
She also spent time with other ecumenical accompaniers (EAs) in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron experiencing the difficulties Palestinians have moving about the West Bank.
And in June, the first four "accompaniers" arrived from South Africa, fresh from intensive nonviolence training both at home and in Jerusalem.
"This is too much of a cost-benefit analysis for me, [and] I don't think a lot of biblical teaching would make it through a cost-benefit analysis," says Joel Carillet, a World Council of Churches accompanier serving near Jenin.
By WORKING as an ecumenical accompanier in the West BANK I hope to contribute to alleviating suffering caused by the occupation and to advocate for an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by giving a voice to those who are not usually heard".
In Oregon, the University of Portland's Moreau Center Immersion Accompanier program has developed international trips--some called "plunges"--as well as programs focusing on domestic poverty and catastrophes such as the impact of Hurricane Katrina in the U.S.
Jesus met Dorothy Craw, from Forest Hall, North Tyneside, in Guatemala while she was an accompanier to his people around Rabinal.
Canon Dr John Aves, honorary canon of Norwich cathedral, UK, died on 25 January 2004, of a heart attack in Bethlehem where he was serving as a WCC ecumenical accompanier. Aves was 52.
Visiting programmes of ecumenical accompaniers can be very significant tools, as has been the case in Palestine-Israel with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.
Sayyid Zaki gave the Sudanese guest and his accompaniers a briefing on the IPA and its vital role in pushing the wheel of administrative development in the Sultanate.
VAR of zarrab and accompaniers at the corridors of the justice palace