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accompanied by (someone or something)

Joined by someone or something or presented along with someone or something. The slice of pie was accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My husband is sick, so I'll be accompanied by my son at the charity auction. A: "I sure hope that's not his girlfriend!" B: "No, no, the caption underneath the photo says, 'The actor was accompanied by his daughter to the awards ceremony.'"
See also: accompany, by

accompany (one)

1. To travel with one. This phrase can be used in reference to both people and things. While I enjoy spending time alone, I sometimes wish I had someone to accompany me on vacations. Pete's dog was more than happy to accompany him to the park. My cell phone always accompanies me when I leave the house.
2. To play a musical instrument in support of a featured band or performer. While her little sister played the flute, Sarah accompanied her on the clarinet. Will you accompany me on piano when I sing at the talent show? No, you don't get a solo—you're just supposed to be accompanying me while I sing!
See also: accompany

accompany (one) on a/(one's) journey

To travel with someone or something. I think someone should accompany you on your journey so that you don't have to drive 10 hours on your own. Ellie's teddy bear definitely has to accompany us on our journey, or she'll be a wreck without it. I'd love for the dog to accompany us on our journey, but she doesn't do well with flying.
See also: accompany, journey, on

accompany (one) with (some instrument)

To play a musical instrument in support of a featured band or performer. I need someone to accompany me with piano when I sing at the talent show. While her little brother played the flute, Sarah accompanied him with the clarinet. No, you don't get a solo—you're just accompanying me with guitar!
See also: accompany
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

accompanied by something

with something extra to go along with something else; with something to complement something else. Dessert was accompanied by a fine white wine.
See also: accompany, by

accompany someone on a journey

1. [for someone] to go with someone on a trip, journey, adventure, etc. Would you please accompany me on my next trip?
2. [for something] to be brought with someone on a trip, journey, etc. My cameras always accompany me on my travels.
See also: accompany, journey, on

accompany someone on a musical instrument

to provide complementary instrumental music for someone's musical performance. Sally accompanied the singer on the piano.

accompany someone with something

to use a particular musical instrument to play music that goes along with someone else's musical performance. She accompanied Mary with her flute.
See also: accompany
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
A history of porcelain painting accompanies the values and survey of pieces available.
The childlike directness of these earnestly painted "copies" belies their hauntingly symbolic ethos, often underscored by a text that invariably accompanies each one: a color "Translation" of a black-and-white photo taken from a 1944 University of Montana yearbook, accompanied by excerpts from Popul Vuh: The Sacred Book of the Ancient Quiche Maya; the image from an article devoted to pumpkins in a government-issue horticulture brochure that Jess found on the sidewalk, accompanied by Abbe Noel Antoine Pluche's Histoire du ciel considere selon les idees des poetes, des philosophes, et de Moise (1748); or a souvenir postcard of Sarah Winchester, the eccentric widow of the rifle tycoon, accompanied by a Gaelic incantation.
But when it accompanies 200 ppm of indole (half of that haxane's bacteria-inhibiting dose), a mere 6.25 ppm of caryophyllene kills S.
It's hard to easily categorize this slim title: hobbyists will find here highly detailed models and a fine set of tips on Red Baron modeling; but it's the military buff who will best appreciate the vintage photos and history which accompanies the models in Lee Preston's The Red Baron (8496527-336, $24.95).
A centerfold of color photos accompanies the meat of the discussion: azalea varieties, propagation, and how nurseries are working to improve azaleas to regional gardening conditions.
A CD accompanies the 400-page illustrated catalogue, wholly unencumbered by text.