according to

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according to (someone or something)

1. As stated by another individual or source. According to the almanac, we're going to have a very hot summer this year. That restaurant is excellent, according to Tom. According to the curator, the painting really is an authentic Picasso!
2. Proportionate to something. Nate gets paid time and a half according to how many hours of overtime he works. Of course you aren't saving any money—your monthly expenditures are too high according to your income. We just have to be sure that the profit potential of this project is acceptable according to the amount of time, money, and effort it will take to complete it.
See also: accord, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

according to someone or something

as said or indicated by someone or something. According to the weather forecast, this should be a beautiful day.
See also: accord, to

according to something

in proportion to something. You will get paid according to the number of hours that you work.
See also: accord, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
According to the report, usually automakers use a system of notices to dealers for repairs that are not in their judgment considered to be safety issues.
While China continues to be the primary driver, there is strength throughout the world, according to a host of statistics.
According to Brzezinski, during the last years of the Soviet state, Potanin "specialized in the procuring of jealously guarded export licenses." This was during the time, according to the private intelligence firm Stratfor, when the KGB was directed to hide Soviet assets abroad.
Certain jaw sets are highly specialized and offer separate benefits depending on the user, according to Rosengaard.
China Eastern Airlines lost CNY1.72 billion ($215.4 million) in the first six months of 2006, it told the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, according to the Associated Press.
According to BCG, corporate real estate executives are too removed from business units; the executives and the business units themselves are not willing enough to pursue, and pay for, flexibility in leases and workplace models; and, too frequently, inaccurate forecasting models are used.
The deal provides a host of benefits to SRH, saving it money while improving patient care, according to spokesman Sean Barrette.
The Ibadan digester will take advantage of the city's Bodija Municipal Abattoir, where nearly two-thirds of the animals in Oyo State are slaughtered, according to a study in the January 2002 African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management.
Credentialing, the process of reviewing and verifying a health-care provider's qualifications, is a"necessary evil" for physicians to participate in managed care plans, according to Margolis.
Thai natural rubber output in 2005 is expected to be around 2.97 million tons, down from 3.01 million tons in 2004, according to data from the country's Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry.
In other words, make sure there's something about your site that makes people want to come back again and again, according to Vincent Flanders, author of Web Pages That Suck and More Web Pages That Suck.
That makes its design more of a challenge." According to Marek, Acura models have a tighter cabin, a more-aggressive wheel-to-tire relationship, and lines are simpler than those found on other vehicles in the sport/luxury segment.
"When people talk about results they'll start with examining results as to what we want in students, and then examine the knowledge and skills of teachers in relation to what we want in students, and then how the staff development is related to that," according to Stephanie Hirsh, deputy executive director of National Staff Development Council.
In North America, the below-average performance in 2003 was a result of currency fluctuations, poor cash flow from operations, and continued issues with oversupply, according to the report.