according to Gunter

according to Gunter

Indicates or emphasizes that something is correct, right, or reliable. Considered the American equivalent of the British phrase, "according to Cocker." Refers to 16th-century English mathematician Edmund Gunter. Now that I've read over my thesis five times, I am quite sure it's free of errors and completed according to Gunter! The car leaking that much oil does not seem to be according to Gunter—I think you should take it to the shop as soon as possible. According to Gunter, this is the proper way to change a tire.
See also: accord, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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According to Gunter, that represents real value for money because he expects Le Fondre to be regularly on the City scoresheet.
According to Gunter Veit, President of VEIT Group, "Our engineers have managed to reduce energy consumption of various machines by up to 40%, which results in significant cost savings for our customers, with improved finishing results.
Another sizable, and regular, customer of SENCO Alaska's is Osborne Construction Co., according to Gunter.
"According to Gunter" is an old figure of speech referring to measurement, traced to mathematician Edmund Gunter, who crafted the measurement system based on a chain with 100 links.
According to Gunter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission, 'The European Inventors of the Year 2008 have developed true innovations.
According to Gunter Verheugen, Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and Industry, in response to a written question from Ari Vatanen (question P-3751/05), a possible solution being considered by the Commission is raise the maximum weight of vehicles requiring crash tests at 56 km/hr to 3,500 kg.
According to Gunter, many newspapers began their Internet editions in the 1990s because their competitors were doing so--the bandwagon effect-rather than for journalistic or business purposes (p.
In depositions for the foreclosure case, Fox refused to answer most questions, citing his Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination, according to Gunter's motion to dismiss the bankruptcy case.
According to Gunter Graefenhain, the importing company's president, sales of Dortmunder Union Dark accounted for 40 percent of Brau und Brunnen's U.S.
sapiens specimens, according to Gunter Brauer of the University of Hamburg, Germany, and Emma Mbua of the National Museums of Kenya in Nairobi.