accompany (one)

(redirected from accompanies us)

accompany (one)

1. To travel with one. This phrase can be used in reference to both people and things. While I enjoy spending time alone, I sometimes wish I had someone to accompany me on vacations. Pete's dog was more than happy to accompany him to the park. My cell phone always accompanies me when I leave the house.
2. To play a musical instrument in support of a featured band or performer. While her little sister played the flute, Sarah accompanied her on the clarinet. Will you accompany me on piano when I sing at the talent show? No, you don't get a solo—you're just supposed to be accompanying me while I sing!
See also: accompany
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

accompany someone on a musical instrument

to provide complementary instrumental music for someone's musical performance. Sally accompanied the singer on the piano.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
My wife is reconciled to our departure; and Lady Janet accompanies us as far as Plymouth--these are the results.
15 to consult with senior leaders and officials after he accompanies US President Donald Trump on his five-nation trip to Asia that starts this weekend," it said in a statement quoted by ABC news.
18.3) to heart, and with delicate lyrical touches accompanies us into the "land of milk and honey" where readers can become children again and experience in a fresh new light the joyful mysteries of the Rosary.
accompanies us on what would otherwise be a solitary journey through thought, time, and space (see WLT, Nov.
The one whose son suffered a cruel execution accompanies us in our losses.
Craig added: "Tank is one of our education animals; he regularly accompanies us on school visits - and he's huge!
As Christians, God confronts us, undoes our pretensions, gives us divine work to do, and then accompanies us into a world with a message that may or may not be welcome but is nevertheless a means of announcing God's reign.
It is a pilgrimage in which He Himself accompanies us through the desert of our poverty, sustaining us on our way towards the intense joy of Easter.
It accompanies us everywhere we go: as we ride public and private transportation; shop; use the inte rnet; work in our offices; enjoy recreation at restaurants, movie theaters, health clubs, and the like; in church; and at school.
What I did state, was that in future on planning site visits, if I was offered fruit or cuttings again, I would ask the Chair of Planning, Councillor McPartland, who always accompanies us, if I should accept or decline.
In the end, while these three readings are about Isaiah, Paul, and Simon Peter, the main character is God, a God who confronts us, undoes our pretensions, gives us divine work to do, and then accompanies us into a world with a message that may or may not be welcome but is nevertheless a means of announcing God's reign.
Holy water was a reminder that there really was little difference between church and home, because God's grace accompanies us wherever we go.