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Homestyle: Which hue is for you?; Feeling glum? Maybe you need to redecorate. Colour can profoundly affect your mood. So whether you want to inject energy into your life, or calm yourself down, check out which colour does what.

Romantic Pink is the colour of love

There is good reason pink is associated with love and romance. It is gentle, soothing and nurturing. Magenta can help steady overactive behaviour and is a colour for moving on and letting go. But only use splashes, too much can cloy. If you hate it, analyse your reaction and ask yourself why you have problems enjoying its positive qualities.

Uplifting Raise your spirits with yellow

Gentle, radiant and sunny. Shades of yellow are expansive and optimistic colours that stimulate the intellect and logical mind, and are clearly associated with sunlight and warmth. But use them carefully - too much can result in excessive thought and ego, and can lead to arguments. Closely linked is orange - the colour of joy, movement and dance, and a great anti-depressant. It encourages vibrancy, humour and excitement - though too much can lead to fickle behaviour. Both are uplifting.

Meditative Drift away with violet

This is the colour that encourages a meditative environment, helping to evoke intuition, perception and even psychic insight. It soothes and elevates, and can be good for someone craving qualities of self-esteem, dignity and respect. Often, violet accompanies us at times of spiritual growth. But if you tend to live in a fantasy world, violet will not be helpful.

Energising Red is the colour of primal energy

Red fills us with the power to get things done. It is the colour of strength and physical drive. But as it rouses, use it sparingly - it can lead to exhaustion.

Grounding Greys, browns and woods support us

Earth colours make us feel rooted and connected with the physical world. Bringing them into the home can make us feel stronger in ourselves. The neutrality of grey exerts a steadying influence, bringing coolness and quiet. Mix with lighter colours though, as unbroken grey can evoke fear and negativity.

Calming Blue is cooling and pacifying

Blue slows the heartbeat and relaxes both muscles and mind. It brings peace, quiet and serenity. Try putting a few drops of blue food dye into your bath water and feel the effect. It encourages restful sleep, perfect if you find it hard to switch off. But too much can become isolating.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Sunday Mirror (London, England)
Date:Oct 1, 2000
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