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ParentsLahamu and Lahmu
Consortbrother Anshar

In the Akkadian epic Enuma Elish, Kishar (Akkadian: ����, romanized: Kišar) is the daughter of Lahamu and Lahmu, the first children of Tiamat and Abzu. She is the female principle, sister and wife of Anshar, the male principle, and the mother of Anu.[1] Kishar may represent the earth as a counterpart to Anshar, the sky,[2] and can be seen as an earth mother goddess. Her name also means "Whole Earth".

Kishar appears only once in Enuma Elish, in the opening lines of the epic, and then disappears from the remainder of the story. She appears only occasionally in other first millennium BCE texts, where she can be equated with the goddess Antu.[3]


  1. ^ Brisch, Nicole (2012). "Anšar and Kišar (god and goddess)". Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses. Oracc and the UK Higher Education Academy. Retrieved 19 June 2013..
  2. ^ Black, Jeremy and Anthony Green, 1992. Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary. London: British Museum Press. p. 34.
  3. ^ Brisch, Nicole (2012). "Anšar and Kišar (god and goddess)". Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses. Oracc and the UK Higher Education Academy. Retrieved 19 June 2013..

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