

Kishiwada (kēshēwäˈdä), city (1990 pop. 188,563), Osaka prefecture, SW Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay. It is an industrial and residential suburb of Osaka, producing lumber, textiles, and metals.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in Japan, on the southern part of the island of Honshu, in Osaka Prefecture. Population, 162,000 (1970). It is a port on the Inland Sea. It is a center for the processing of agricultural and marine products. Kishiwada also has textile (cotton), chemical, and metalworking industries.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Kishiwada Danjiri festival, to give just an example, is well known for accidents leading to death, the most recent example being that of a man who got caught between the danjiri and a lamp post, and was crushed to death during a celebration event that took place in April this year.
Danjiri-matsuri starts at 6 o'clock in the morning with prayers for the safety observance of the festive event officiated at three important shrines in Kishiwada, and then the floats head for the central square of the town.
He was arrested near Kishiwada with one local pistol and two live bullets.
Shugo Mizuno, (1) Yuichi Muraki, (2) Kaname Nakatani, (3) Akihiro Tanemura, (1) Naohisa Kuriyama, (1) Ichiro Ohsawa, (1) Yoshinori Azumi, (1) Masashi Kishiwada, (1) Masanobu Usui, (1) Hiroyuki Sakurai, (1) Masami Tabata, (1) Norihiko Yamamoto, (4) Tomomi Yamada, (5) Katsuya Shiraki, (4) Yoshiyuki Takei, (4) Tsutomu Nobori, (3) Masahiro Okuda, (2) and Shuji Isaji (1)
Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, founder of the Japan Restoration Party, said in a stump speech in Kishiwada, Osaka Prefecture, "Three years ago, frustration and disappointment with LDP-led politics must have reached a peak.
The study is being led by Yoshiaki Yokoi, head of the Cardiovascular Center at the Kishiwada Tokushukai Hospital and the Japan national study principle investigator for this trial.
At present, the Bank of Ikeda based in Ikeda is owned 3.43 percent by the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, which is the parent of Senshu Bank based in Kishiwada with a controlling 67.26 percent stake.
Attending from Toyota Motor Company were Middle East and Southwest Asia general manager Hideo Suzuki and Toyota account advertising agent in Japan Satoru Kishiwada.
Four other similar cases followed later in the day in Kishiwada and Takatsuki, both Osaka Prefecture, as well as in Kobe and Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture, the police said.
Roughly 40% of subcontracted work from several general contractors that originally won building works went to Kyowa Kaiken, a civil engineering group based in Kishiwada city, Osaka Prefecture, and two of its affiliates, the sources said.