
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Turkish and Tadzhik), a group of grape varieties with small seedless fruits. The best-known varieties are the white oval (ak-kishmish) and black (kara-kishmish). In the USSR, kishmish is widely grown in the Central Asian repubics, Azerbaijan SSR, Kazakh SSR, and southern regions of the RSFSR. The ak-kishmish ripens in an average number of days and is highly productive (20–30 tons per hectare). The fruits, which are small, white, and seedless, are tasty and very sugary. They are dried (bindana, sabza, soiagi), used to make wine and vacuum-obtained must, and eaten fresh. Kara-kishmish is an early, heavy-producing variety (about 30 tons per hectare). The fruits, which are medium size, black, and oval, have a juicy and meaty pulp; the seeds are not fully developed. Kara-kishmish is used dry (shigani), for wine-making, and in fresh form. The fruits of similar sun-dried grape varieties are also called kishmish.

Kishmish contains (in percent of dry substance) 76–78 percent sugar, 2.1 percent nitrogenous substances, and 2.1 percent acid. The yield of dried kishmish is 24–30 percent of the fruit mass.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The local grafted fruit plants including peach, apricot, plum, orange, mango, citrus, lemon, jamun, Japanese Persimmon, guava, phalsa (grewia asiatica) etc, besides, different kinds of grapevines including Black Prince, Red Rubby, Kishmish, Gola, Chinese white and if provided with ideal environment and protection, the much sought after Sundar Khani can be successfully cultivated in partial shade.
Another hidden gem is also one of my favourite places personally - Kishmish in Al Safa.
Fatima Rabbani, Iman Nazemi, and Homaira Nasser-Zia started Afghan restaurant Kishmish last year Image Credit: Supplied Home and away
Pine nuts is selling at Rs 4800 per kilogram, Cashew nuts or 'Kaju' Rs 2000/kg, Pistachio Rs 1800/kg, Figs or Enjeer Rs 1600/kg, Walnuts or Akhrot Rs 1400/kg, Raisin or Kishmish Rs 600/kg, and Peanuts Rs 320/kg.
Among the most famous varieties used in wine production are Kishmish, Bendi, Gamashara, Gizili, Marandi, White Shani, Aligote, Sauvignon, Muscat, Pinot, Riesling and others.
Other than the usual sweet flavours, the eatery offers coconut, kishmish and other dry fruit filled parathas.
These range from a Mumbai Falooda (a blend of sundae-meets-milkshake that includes pistachios, glass noodles and basil seeds) and a Bhakarwadi sweet and savory pastry snack to a Delhi Kaju Kishmish ice cream made of raisins, vanilla, and cashew nuts.
When Gyan calls her "Kishmish", she calls him "Kaju" in their exchange of nick names and does not use any western salutations such as "sweetheart" or "darling" or "love" for him (IL 140).
The whole- sale price of kishmish (raisins round) plunged to Rs262 from Rs287 per kg, Sundarkhani variety to Rs525 from Rs600 per kg last year.
Grapes after their harvest are dried into raisins in shaded, ventilated houses (Kishmish Khana) before being sold and exported as dried fruit.
The store stocks over 20 labels ranging with names like Rajesh Pratap Singh and Gaurav Gupta to young and rising labels like CellDSGN and Kishmish. Among the latest additions swimwear by designer duo Shivan & Narresh, a range of Swarovski T-shirts and dresses by E.VIL.