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, persons in the Bible
Kish (kĭsh), in the Bible. 1 Father of Saul. An alternate form is Cis. 2 Uncle of Saul. 3 Ancestor of Mordecai.


, ancient city, Mesopotamia
Kish (kĭsh), ancient city of Mesopotamia, in the Euphrates valley, 8 mi (12.9 km) E of Babylon and 12 mi (19 km) east of the modern city of Hillah, Iraq. It was occupied from very ancient times, and its remains go back as far as the protoliterate period in Mesopotamia. In the early 3d millennium B.C., Kish was a Semitic city. Although it was one of the provincial outposts of Sumerian civilization, it had a cultural style of its own. There is an excavated palace of Sargon I of Agade, a native of Kish, and a great temple built by Nebuchadnezzar and Nabonidus in the later Babylonian period. The site also yielded a complete sequence of pottery from the Sumerian period to that of Nebuchadnezzar.


, island, Iran
Kish (kēsh), island (9 mi/14.5 km long, 4 mi/6.4 km wide), Iran, in the Persian Gulf off central S Iran. Kish has been developed as a tourist resort; there also is fishing, a pearl trade, and agriculture. Kish was great trade center (11th–14th cent.) until rise of Hormoz island. A palace complex from the 11th–12th cent. is there.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



an ancient city in Iraq (site of modern Tell al-Uhaimer), 18 km southeast of Babylon. Kish arose at the end of the fourth or beginning of the third millennium B.C. on the site of more ancient settlements. In the 28th century B.C. it was the center of the first union of Sumerian tribes, but it lost its supremacy in the 27th century B.C. in the course of a struggle with the city of Uruk. In the 24th century B.C., Kish was destroyed by the Sumerian king Lugal-zaggesi but was restored by the Akkadian king Sargon. After this, Kish did not play an independent role, remaining a major provincial center of Babylonia, of the Achaemenid state, of the Parthian kingdom, and of the Sassanid state.

Excavations conducted in 1912 and between 1923 and 1932 revealed the remains of a palace (28th-25th centuries B.C.) comprising two buildings: an older, rectangular one surrounded by a fortified wall with towers, and a later one with a narrow hall with four columns along its central axis on the building’s western side and a gallery with columns on the parapet on the eastern side. A necropolis dating from the early dynastic period (second quarter of the third millennium B.C.) has been investigated. Researchers have found numerous ceramic articles, bronze tools and ornaments, and cylindrical seals. Buildings from the Akkadian period and later periods have been discovered, including three palace buildings (224–651). A large archive of cuneiform documents dating from the beginning of the third millennium to the first millennium B.C. has also been found.


D’iakonov, I. M. Obshchestvennyi i gosudarstvennyi stroi drevnego Dvurech’ia. Shumer. Moscow, 1959.
Childe, V. G. Drevneishii Vostok v svete novykh raskopok. Moscow, 1956. (Translated from English.)
Parrot, A. Archéologie mésopotamienne. Les étapes. Paris, 1946.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Free graphite that floats to the surface of molten hypereutectic cast iron as it cools.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Kish earned a point with an escape with 30 seconds remaining in the match to close to within 3-2, but Webster kept him from scoring again.
2001's single Romeo revived the fortunes of R n B singer Kele Le Roc and former Nsync member JC Chasez is given a second go on Kish Kash with the track Plug It In.
Keen to encourage further use of the airport and to alert tour operators to the island's potential, the Kish Free Zone Organisation recently organised an International Travel and Tourism Forum.
Kish explained that the transparency allowed the visitor to 'look beyond the past.'
Muscat: A delegation of more than 100 Omani businessmen will visit Iran's Kish Island to explore investment opportunities and new avenues for the expansion of trade ties with the Islamic Republic, according to a senior Omani official.
New Delhi, India, December 12, 2012 --( Nouveau author, and compulsive observer Kish brings in a fresh dose of greed, love, lust and humor in a heady mix of words Small Screen & Big Lies.
Bahmani described drilling operations in Kish gas field as one of most important ongoing projects of NIDC adding drilling is underway by NIDC in the form of an EPC contract.
According to Colonel Ali Ghanem, Director of Bur Dubai Police Station, the police had been monitoring the suspect under the "Kish Harami" programme after occurrence of a number of thefts in the areas of Jumeirah and Umm Suqueim.
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-October 6, 2011--Ratings on Kish Exports' bank facilities suspended by CRISIL(C)2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS