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Related to Mesopotamia: Babylon, Sumerian


Mesopotamia (mĕsˌəpətāˈmēə) [Gr.,=between rivers], ancient region of Asia, the territory about the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, included in modern Iraq. The region extends from the Persian Gulf north to the mountains of Armenia and from the Zagros and Kurdish mountains on the east to the Syrian Desert. From the mountainous north, Mesopotamia slopes down through grassy steppes to a central alluvial plain, which was once rendered exceedingly fertile by a network of canals.

Earliest Cultures

The south was long thought to be the cradle of civilization until earlier settlements (which probably date from about 7000 B.C.) were found in N Mesopotamia; Jarmo, the earliest of these, was superseded by a succession of cultures: Tell Hassuna, Samarra, and Tell Halaf. Tell Halaf, the most advanced of these early cultures, is famous for Halaf ware, the finest prehistoric pottery in Mesopotamia. It is found at such sites as Nineveh and Tepe Gawra. While these advances were being made in the north, civilization was just beginning in the south, particularly at Eridu. The Al Ubaid culture that followed flourished in both N and S Mesopotamia, at Tell Zeidan and Tepe Gawra (N) and Ubaid, Eridu, and Oueili (S). Irrigated agriculture became widespread, and social stratification developed in this early urban period.

The Proto-Literate and Early Dynastic Phases

During the next period (called the proto-literate phase) the south was the important region, and the transformation of the village culture into an urban civilization took place. Uruk (modern Tall al Warka), the foremost site at the beginning of this period, has yielded such monumental architecture as the temple of Inanna and the ziggurat of Anu. Also found at Uruk were tablets including the earliest pictographic writing. At the same time and apparently independently, smaller organized settlements arose at sites such as Tell Hamoukar and Tell Brak in NE Syria and Hacinebi and Arslantepe in SE Turkey.

The early dynastic phase that followed saw the development of city-states all over the Middle East as far as N Syria, N Mesopotamia, and probably Elam. The famous sites of this period are Tell Asmar, Kafaje, Ur, Kish, Mari, Farah, and Telloh (Lagash). The Sumerians (see Sumer), the inhabitants of these city-states of S Mesopotamia, were unified at Nippur, where they gathered together to worship Enlil, the wind god. The famous first dynasty of Ur came at the end of the early dynastic period.

Dynasties and Empires

Sargon founded (c.2340) the Akkadian dynasty, the first empire in Mesopotamia, whose example of empire building was later followed by the old Babylonian dynasty and late Assyrian Empire (see Babylonia; Assyria). There was also a great cultural exchange between the Mesopotamians and the Elamites (and other Iranians), who for centuries had threatened each other. Mesopotamia still had prestige at the time of Alexander the Great, but later it was generally a part of the Roman Empire. The Arabs took it from the Sassanid Empire, and it rose to great prominence after Baghdad was made (A.D. 762) the capital of the Abbasid caliphate. This glory was destroyed when the Mongols under Hulagu Khan devastated the area in 1258, destroying the ancient irrigation system.

The Region in Modern Times

In the centuries following, Mesopotamia never regained its former prominence. In World War I, however, it was an important battlefield. The kingdom of Iraq was formed in 1921 (Iraq became a republic in 1958) and is of international importance because of its rich oil fields, but its status in the world is enhanced by the rich archaeological finds of the incredibly distant past.


See H. Frankfort, The Birth of Civilization in the Near East (1951, repr. 1968); S. N. Kramer, Cradle of Civilization (1967); D. Oates, Studies in the Ancient History of Northern Iraq (1968); L. Oppenheim, Ancient Mesopotamia (1968); H. J. Nissen and P. Heine, From Mesopotamia to Iraq: A Concise History (2009).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Entre Ráos), a natural region in Argentina (Corrientes and Entre Ríos provinces) in the interfluve of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers.

Northern Mesopotamia is a flat lowland with ancient channel swells between swamps and lakes. The central and southern areas consist of a well-drained plain (elevation, 90-110 m) with light park forests (palms, acacias, quebracho, species of Prosopis, and other low trees), with tall cereal herbage or savanna on reddish chernozem-like soils. The climate is subtropical and consistently humid (precipitation, 1,000-1,500 mm per year). The average January temperature is 24°-27°C and the average July temperature, from 10° to 18°C. Mesopotamia is Argentina’s primary region for growing and harvesting mate and citrus fruit; rice, tobacco, and tea are also grown. Meat and dairy animals are raised in the south. Mesopotamia is a main area for the timber and paper-and-pulp industries. Posadas and Corrientes are the chief economic centers.



a natural region in western Asia in the basin of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It includes the Mesopotamian Depression and the Jazira Plateau.

Mesopotamia was one of the most important centers of civilization in the ancient East, which originally developed on the basis of artificial irrigation in the lower reaches of the Euphrates (the waters of the Tigris later also came to be used for irrigation). In the fourth and third millennia B.C., early class societies formed in Mesopotamia. By the end of the third millennium B.C., Akkad, Ur, and other ancient states existed here. In the beginning of the second millennium B.C., the state of Babylonia formed in southern Mesopotamia. Subsequently, the region was part of Assyria (ninth to seventh centuries B.C.), the New Babylonian Empire (seventh and sixth centuries B.C.), the Achaemenid state (sixth to fourth centuries B.C.), the empire of Alexander the Great (fourth century B.C.), the Seleucid state (fourth to second centuries B.C.), Parthia (third century B.C. to third century A.D.), the Sassanid state (third to seventh centuries), and the Arabian Caliphate, beginning with the seventh century.

In the 11th century, Mesopotamia was conquered by the Seljuks, and in the 13th by the Mongols. It came under Safawid power in the early 16th century and formed part of the Ottoman Empire from the 17th century to 1918. After World War I most of Mesopotamia became part of Iraq, and the remainder part of Syria and Turkey.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


a region of SW Asia between the lower and middle reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: site of several ancient civilizations
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The mission said this might have been due to Bahrain being connected to maritime trade routes between Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula and the Indus Valley.
The Funerals of the Amorite Sovereigns and the Accession of their Successors") considers the nature of funerary practices in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia. Chapter Five ("The Living and Their Dead in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia: The Contribution of Archival Texts") explores the relationship of the living and the dead from assorted documents that include so-called "death certificates."
He praised the progress made by Allied forces against the Turks in Mesopotamia before the audience learned of the incident which led to the bravery award for Cpl McLean.
The Sumerian and Akkadian empires, includingAaAeAeA the AssyriansAaAeAeA and Babylon used to dominated Mesopotamia from the beginning ofAaAeAeA written historyAaAeAeA (ar 3100 BC) to the fall of Babylon in 539 BC, when it was conquered by theAaAeAeA Achaemenid Empire.
To fill the gaps in the Mesopotamia records, he turned to the rich diary of the Jamaican overseer Thomas Thistlewood, who lived and worked in the same parish (Westmoreland) as the Mesopotamia estate.
In addition, Nahmanides proves from Abraham's incarceration at Cutha that he lived in Aram at the time; however, contemporary scholars seem to agree that Cutha is actually in Sumer, not in northern Mesopotamia, as Nahmanides mentions in the name of other researchers.
"We lost a lot of money due to that unexpected halt, it took me 7 month to raise money to complete filming in Jordan." Omar's Curse of Mesopotamia tells the story of how the Kurdish new year, Newroz, came into being when a Kurdish blacksmith, named Kawa, rebelled against a bloodthirsty king, known as Azdahak.
While the ultimate origins of the "water" constellations are lost in the prehistory of far-southern Mesopotamia (in particular the city ruined of Eridu), the birth dates of some of our northern constellations can be estimated more accurately.
Speaking at a news conference held at the Diyarbakyr branch of the yHD on Wednesday, lawyer Zeynep IE-yk, an official from the Mesopotamia Jurists Association, told reporters that a 13-minute video has been prepared concerning the rights violations due to curfews imposed on some southeastern towns and that it will be sent to the secreteriat general of the CoE in addition to a petition asking the council to determine, monitor and log the rights violations, and warn Turkey to fulfill its responsibilities.
The Birth of the State: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China.