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Kiselevsk (kēsĭˈlyôfskˌ), city (1989 pop. 128,000), S Siberian Russia. It is a major coal-mining center in the Kuznetsk Basin and also manufactures mining machinery.
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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city in Kemerovo Oblast, RSFSR. Situated in the foothills of the Salair Ridge, on the upper course of the Aba River. Railroad station 58 km northwest of Novokuznetsk. Population, 125,000 (1972; 44,000 in 1939).

An important coal-mining center of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin, Kiselevsk has plants for the production of coal-mining machinery and coal washeries. Other enterprises include a brickyard, a brewery, and footwear, furniture, and confectionery factories. The city also has a mining technicum and a pedagogical school. Kiselevsk was founded during the period of Soviet power on the site of the villages of Cherkasovo and Afonino. It was designated a city in 1936.


Ageev, N. K. Kiselevsk. Kemerovo, 1972.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The other organisations of the Kuznetsk are: Severokuzbassugol (11 Mt/y) operating 14 underground and one opencast mine in the north of the basin and Kiselyovskugol (7 Mt/y) operating nine underground mines, centred on the town of Kiselyovsk in Kemerovo Region.