(redirected from Fee Protection Agreement)
Category filter:
FPAFinancial Planning Association (Association of CFPs)
FPAForeign Policy Association
FPAFormation Professionnelle des Adultes (French: Vocational Training of Adults)
FPAFunction Point Analysis
FPAFederal Power Act
FPAForex Peace Army
FPAFamily Planning Association (UK)
FPAFormula Palmer Audi
FPAFocal Plane Array
FPAFlexible Packaging Association
FPAFire Protection Association (UK)
FPAFolkpensionsanstalten (Swedish: Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
FPAFancy Pants Adventures (game)
FPAFamily Practice Associates (various locations)
FPAFisheries Partnership Agreement
FPAFree Planets Alliance (Legend of the Galactic Heroes)
FPAFloating Point Adapter
FPAFront Panel Audio
FPAFine and Performing Arts
FPAForeign Press Association
FPAFire Program Analysis
FPAFoyer des Personnes Agées (French: Home of the Elderly)
FPAFreestyle Players Association (frisbee sports)
FPAFood Products Association
FPAForum pour le Partenariat avec l'Afrique (French: Forum for the Partnership with Africa)
FPAFibrinopeptide A
FPAFocal Plane Assembly
FPAFlorida Press Association
FPAFrance Pièces Automobile (French automobile company)
FPAFlorida Psychological Association
FPAFlorida Pharmacy Association
FPAFloating Point Accelerator
FPAFamily Planning Australia
FPAFinancial Planners Association
FPAFloating Point Arithmetic
FPAFonds de Prévoyance de l'Aéronautique (French: Provident Fund of Aeronautics)
FPAFramework Partnership Agreement (ECHO)
FPAFlight Path Angle (aviation)
FPAFamily Partnership Agreement (various locations)
FPAFoster Parent Association
FPAFlexible Premium Annuity (Mutual of America)
FPAFirst Person Adventure (gaming)
FPAFree of Particular Average
FPAForce de Police Auxiliaire (French: Auxiliary Police Force)
FPAFront Parking Assist (vehicles)
FPAFamily Planning Agency (various locations)
FPAFremont Public Association (Seattle)
FPAFournitures Pièces Auto (French: Auto Parts Supplies)
FPAFedEx Pilots Association
FPAFront Page Advertising (Stick-N-Save)
FPAFee Protection Agreement
FPAForos Prostithemenis Axias (Greek: Value Added Tax)
FPAForeign Policy Advisor (US DoD)
FPAForth Ports Authority (UK)
FPAFleury Pièces Auto (French auto parts company)
FPAFlavor Profile Analysis
FPAFacilities Planning Area
FPAFamily Personal Accident (insurance)
FPAFailure Prevention Analysis (product development)
FPAFairness in Procurement Alliance (formerly the Fairness in Set-Aside Procurement Coalition)
FPAFaculty Partnership Award (IBM)
FPAFairmont Private Academy (Anaheim, CA)
FPAFederal Pesticide Act
FPAFast Packet Adaption
FPAFormer Passive Activity (taxes)
FPAFlorida Publishers Association, Inc.
FPAFinal Power Amplifier
FPAFederal Physicians Association
FPAFaye, Pollack & Associates, Inc
FPAFire Protection Area
FPAFocal Point Array
FPAFloating Point Array
FPAFederal Provincial Agreement for Chicken (Canada)
FPAFlat-Plate Antenna
FPAFederação Paulista de Automobilismo (Brazil)
FPAFlight Plan Approval
FPAFlorida Pawnbrokers Association
FPAFree Porn Attack (CAPTCHA attack)
FPAFractal Patch Antenna
FPAFederal Property & Administrative Services Act
FPAFirst Parsed As
FPAFirst Piece Article
FPAForward Purchasing Agreement
FPAFar Point of Accommodation (ophthalmology)
FPAFunctional Process Assessment
FPAFunding Program Advice
FPAFixed Plant Adapter
FPAFlood Protection Authority
FPAForce Planning Analysis
FPAFixed Posting Area
FPAForward Pricing Agreement
FPAField Premium Auditor
FPAFunctional Production Area
FPAFormalin Preserved Allogeneic (bone graft)
FPAFront Panel Audio Connector (computer hardware)
FPAForce Protection Alert
FPAFlora des Pharaonischen Ägypten
FPAFunctional Performance Area
FPAFundamental Planning Analysis
FPAFlorida Prosthodontic Association
FPAFixed Period Annuity (investing)
FPAFirst Post Accuracy (internet slang)
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